Stephen Gandel | 2013-07-31 17:15
The White House might be about to add a prominent quantitative easing skeptic to the Federal Reserve: Larry Summers.
In speeches, editorials, and recent studies, Summers, who has emerged as a top choice to be the next Fed head, has regularly questioned the wisdom of the U.S. central bank's signature bond buying program to stimulate the economy. Summers has said quantitative easing, which is meant to lower interest rates, has done less to boost the economy than people think, and he has frequently brought up the program's potential downsides.
At a breakfast hosted by the Wall Street Journal last month, Summers raised the possibility that quantitative easing was creating a bubble and perhaps adding to the nation's problems with income inequality. "There's certainly anecdotal evidence of yield chasing by investors who are seeking to earn greater than completely safe rates of return," said Summers. "To what extent that reflects desirable increases ... and what extent that reflects movements towards bubbles is a judgement that ... monetary policy authorities will have to make over time."
Summers has also dismissed concerns brought up by Warren Buffett and others that ending QE could shock the markets. In April 2011, at a gathering of economists, Summers said the idea that there would be a big jump in interest rates when the Fed pulls back from the bond market was silly. "Some acquaintance with efficient-market-type notions would lead one to be rather skeptical of that idea," said Summers at the time. In fact, interest rates have risen sharply in the past two months following suggestions by Ben Bernanke that the Fed would soon wind down its quantitative easing program.
At that same conference, Summers said there were questions about the Fed "exploring multiple instruments" to lower interest rates. For Summers, those questions have persisted. In an editorial for Reuters last summer, Summers wrote, "There is an oddity in this renewed emphasis on quantitative easing."
He said that the slightly lower interest rates that could be generated by more bond buying from the Fed was unlikely to compel business to increase borrowing or make new investments. At a hedge fund conference in April, according to the Financial Times, Summers said his verdict on QE was basically, "meh." Not much of a help, but not much of a hurt either. "If QE won't have a large effect on demand, it will not have a large effect on inflation either," he reportedly said.
One of Bernanke's main justifications for QE is something called the wealth effect. Summers isn't buying that either. He says just because the stock market is higher doesn't mean people will spend more. Summers has argued what really boosts spending is higher incomes and, if anything, because of lowered interest rates, QE has lowered incomes, not raised them..
美国白宫可能很快会为美联储(Federal Reserve)新增一位知名的量化宽松政策质疑者,他就是拉里•萨默斯。
上个月在《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)举办的早餐会上,萨默斯提出了这样一个观点,量化宽松可能正在形成泡沫,同时可能加剧美国收入不均衡的问题。“确实有一些证据表明,不满足于完全安全回报率的投资者们有追求收益的行为,”萨默斯说。“至于到什么程度反映的是期望获得的增长...到什么程度说明是接近泡沫,这是...货币政策当局必须随着时间的推移做出的判断。”
他表示,美联储购进更多债券产生略微更低一点的利率不可能促使企业增加借贷数额或进行新的投资。据《金融时报》(Financial Times)报道称,萨默斯在4月份举办的一个对冲基金大会上表示,他对于量化宽松政策的看法基本上是“凑合”。帮不了多少忙,也不会造成多大的损害。据报道称,他说:“如果量化宽松政策将不会对需求产生重大的影响,也不会对通货膨胀产生大的影响,”
Indeed, if Summers had been Fed chair five years ago, quantitative easing might never have occurred. In September 2008, in an editorial in the Washington Post, Summers suggested that Bernanke might as well pack up his bags and go home. With interest rates already so low, Summers said there was little else the Fed could do to boost the economy. Since then, the Fed has bought $2.3 trillion in Treasury and mortgage bonds. Long-term interest rates, as measured by 10-year government bonds, fell to 1.4% last summer, from 3.6% in September 2008, but have recently rebounded to nearly 2.6%.
Summers, though, hasn't always been solidly against QE. Back in October 2011, he wrote it might be a good idea for the Fed to step up its purchases of mortgage bonds. But that was in the context of how to save the housing market. Now that real estate prices are recovering, it's unclear if Summers would support further purchases.
Here's the thing we don't know: How much of Summers' criticism of QE has actually been about QE. Summers has regularly argued that the federal government should be borrowing more money to put toward infrastructure and other projects. Saying that the Fed and its policies have limited potential to boost the economy, and real downsides, strengthens Summers' argument for more spending. And, indeed, Bernanke too, at times, has advocated for more spending.
But in the absence of more cash to spend from Washington, Bernanke has pushed forward with QE anyway. And while Bernanke has said we might be nearing the end of the bond buying program, he committed to continuing QE as long as unemployment remains high. If Summers believes anything he has said in the past five years, why would he.
实际上,如果萨默斯在5年前当上了美联储主席,量化宽松或许就根本不会发生。他2008年9月发表在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)上的一篇署名文章中称,伯南克或许也该收拾东西回家。由于利率已经处于很低的水平,萨默斯称,要提振经济,美联储能做的事情微乎其微。从那时至今,美联储已购回了2.3万亿美元的国债和抵押债券。以10年期政府债券为衡量标准的长期利率在去年夏季下降到了1.4%,低于2008年9月的3.6%,但最近已回升至接近2.6%的水平。