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    (To be sung to the tune of “America” from West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein)

    Hundred Great Things in America!

    Even more great in America!

    Count all the good in America!

    You like to be in America!

    Yes, folks, the 4th of July means it’s time for Fortune’s own summer holiday ritual: Our annual 100 Great Things about America. This is our fifth year running the list, and just to remind you, our only rules are: 1) entries must be American, 2) said entries must be living, and 3) said entries must not be repeats from a previous year.

    To paraphrase the late, great Casey Kasem (who now, sadly, can’t be on our list), we are counting up to 1,000, which of course we will hit in another five years. So, in a sense, this year’s list is not just 100 Great Things, the 2014 edition, but also Nos. 400 through 500 as a part of a decade-long project. As they say in the 2010 movie Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole, a film that will surely never make this list, “We’re halfway there!”

    So get a load of:

    PBR and Burning Man,

    Turbo Tax and Brooklyn, the Brand.

    Alaska and Spray Cheese,

    And, of course, the World Series.

    Frozen and the Happy Meal,

    And yes, that’s how Pharrell feels.

    Please enjoy the summer, and enjoy 100 Great Things about America (use the list in the top left to click and scroll through all 100). See you next year, same time, same place, with 100 more….

    —Andy Serwer, managing editor

    【请按照莱纳德•伯恩斯坦《西区故事》(West Side Story)“美国”(America)选段的曲调演唱】





    7月4日美国独立日,意味着《财富》杂志(Fortune)又将按照惯例,推出一年一度的“美国人最骄傲的100件事”。今年是这份榜单推出的第五年。需要提醒各位读者的是,我们的规则是:1) 只能提名美国人;2) 只能提名在世者;3)获得提名者不能与去年重复。

    借用已故的、伟大的凯西•卡瑟姆(很可惜,他无法进入今年的榜单)的话,我们将数到1,000。当然,我们还需要五年时间总结完这1,000件事。因此,在某种意义上来说,今年的榜单不仅仅是2014年美国人最骄傲的100件事,也是这个十年项目中,排在第400至第500名的伟大事件。正如2010年电影《猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇》(Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole)中所说的那样:“我们飞了一半了!”很可惜,这部电影绝对不会进入我们的榜单。



    Turbo Tax与布鲁克林品牌。







    1. Doggedness. We are not a nation of quitters. Through depressions, recessions, wars, and natural and manmade disasters, we summon the grit to emerge stronger and smarter with each passing year.

    1. 坚持不懈。我们不是半途而废的民族。虽然面临大萧条、经济衰退、战争、自然灾害与人为灾难,但每一年,我们都会鼓起勇气,变得更加坚强,更加聪明。

    2. Air Force One. With a shield that can withstand the effects of a nuclear blast, radar jamming, and in-flight refueling capabilities, it is clearly America's most badass bird.

    2. 空军一号。空军一号拥有可抵御核爆炸冲击的防御、雷达干扰和机载空中加油能力,绝对是美国最强大的空中堡垒。

    3. The Kennedys. The nation's most storied political dynasty.

    3. 肯尼迪家族。美国最著名的政治家族。

    4. SupermanAmerica's Moses. Born on Krypton, but a U.S. hero through and through.

    4. 超人。美国的摩西。他出生在氪星,但绝对是美国的英雄。

    5. Mardi Gras in New Orleans. "When you see the Mardi Gras, somebody'll tell you what's Carnival for." — Professor Longhair

    5. 新奥尔良的狂欢节。“只有去过新奥尔良的狂欢节,你才会知道什么是真正的狂欢节。”——长发教授

    6. Serena and Venus Williams. With 24 Grand-Slam wins between them and a fierce, healthy sibling rivalry, they give new meaning to American competitiveness.

    6. 大小威廉姆斯。两姐妹之间共交手24次,这种激烈、健康的手足之争为美国人的竞争精神赋予了新的含义。

    7. Roller Rinks. From birthday parties to Disco dates, American tweens on wheels.

    7. 旱冰场。从生日派对到迪斯科舞厅约会,美国青少年一直在滑轮上停不下来。

    8. The American Dream. Rags-to-riches, boostrapping, and self-reliance all rolled into our very own concoction of success.

    8. 美国梦。白手起家,自力更生,自强不息,是美国人对成功的定义。

    9. Laser Tag. Suburban warriors duke it out in the dark.

    9. 激光枪战游戏。户外勇士们在黑暗中一决雌雄。

    10. Lemonade Stands. Give a six-year-old a lemon, and get a feisty entrepreneur.

    10. 柠檬水摊点。给六岁大的孩子一个柠檬,收获一位活跃的创业者。

    11. Where the Wild Things Are. "Let the wild rumpus start!"

    11. 《野兽家园》(Where the Wild Things Are)。“让野兽家园重焕生机!”

    12. Apple Pie. As American as...

    12. 苹果派。美国特色……

    13. AmeriCorps. PeaceCorps' domestic cousin.

    13. 美国服务队(AmeriCorps)。与美国和平护卫队(PeaceCorps)类似组织,服务国内需求。

    14. Root Beer Floats. This soda shop survivor is a perfect combination of fizzy and sweet.

    14. 漂浮沙士。这款汽水店幸存下来的饮品是泡沫和甜蜜的完美结合。

    15. The Supreme Court. They (almost always) get the last word, a true American virtue.

    15. 最高法院。他们(几乎总是)拥有最终发言权,是真正的美式美德。

    16. Chinese Takeout. Have yourself a very Jewish Christmas.

    16. 中餐外卖。让自己过一个犹太圣诞节。

    17. Public Libraries. Practically all the world's books at your disposal, and for free!

    17. 公共图书馆。事实上,这里有全世界的图书,免费供读者翻阅!

    18. Spongebob Squarepants. Who wouldn't want to live in a pineapple under the sea?

    18. 海绵宝宝。谁不想住在海底的菠萝里面?

    19. Leatherman Multi-tools. Why have 19 separate tools when you can have a single kickass one?

    19. 莱泽曼工具组合。如果有一件强大的工具可以提供所有功能,有什么必要买19件单独的工具?

    20. The Commodore 64. The best-selling computer of all time.

    20. 康懋达64计算机。史上最畅销的计算机。

    21. Tesla. It's electric!

    21. 特斯拉。纯电动汽车!

    22. 7/11 Big Gulp. 64 oz. worth of American excess.


    23. Pabst Blue Ribbon. Its red, white, and blue can made it a symbol of America's beery greatness well before hipsters started to drink it.

    23. 蓝带啤酒。早在时髦人士喝这种啤酒之前,蓝带啤酒红白蓝相间的啤酒罐就已经成为美国啤酒业荣耀的象征。

    24. Forrest Gump. America's modern history, as told by a remarkable, plainspoken hero.

    24. 《阿甘正传》。由一位不同寻常、直言不讳的英雄讲述的美国现代史。

    25. Yellow Schoolbuses. "The wheels on the bus go round and round."

    25. 黄色校车。“巴士上的轮子,转啊转,转啊转。”





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