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    The Ford Mustang is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, but where are the Pontiac Firebird, Plymouth Barracuda, or AMC Javelin? Long-lived car models are a rarity, and the changes coming with the beginning of the 2015 model are particularly bumpy.

    When a nameplate is discontinued, multiple explanations are invoked: Its platform may have become obsolete, rendering future upgrades uneconomic (the reason Ford offered when it took the original Taurus out of production in 2007); Its body style may have fallen from fashion (such as full-size two-doors like the Chevy Monte Carlo); Or it may simply not have caught on with buyers (like the Honda Element).

    Then there’s a CEO like Fiat Chrysler’s CEO Sergio Marchionne who likes to shuffle the deck–no nameplate is safe. His use of multiple brands combined with his insistence that FCA products be sold under only one brand apiece has caused him to eliminate many of the badge-engineered models that used to keep Chrysler and Dodge dealers afloat.

    The following is list of models that have been declared defunct or are on the endangered list from FCA and a number of other automakers. They’ve suffered from a variety of ills, but they all share one thing in common: You won’t see them for sale in new car showrooms much longer.

    福特野马(Ford Mustang)今年迎来了50周年庆典,但庞迪克火鸟(Pontiac Firebird)、普利茅茨梭鱼(Plymouth Barracuda)和AMC标枪(AMC Javelin)都到哪里去了?能够经久不衰的车型凤毛麟角,而2015年将是变化更为突出的一年。

    一个品牌停产通常会有多种解释:平台被淘汰,导致未来升级不经济【2007年,金牛座(Taurus)停产时,福特给出的就是这个理由】;车辆造型不再流行【例如雪佛兰蒙特卡洛(Chevy Monte Carlo)等全尺寸双门汽车】;或者因为购买者寥寥无几【如本田元素(Honda Element)】。

    另外一个原因是,CEO喜欢重新洗牌。在这种情况下,没有一个品牌是安全的。菲亚特克莱斯勒(Fiat Chrysler)的CEO塞尔吉奥•马尔基翁就是一个例子。他将多个品牌进行整合,同时还坚持认为,菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司的产品每一个型号只需要在一个品牌下销售。因此,他淘汰了许多“换牌不换车”的型号。克莱斯勒(Chrysler)和道奇(Dodge)的经销商一度靠这些车型维持发展。


    1.Jaguar XK

    Scarce resources are given as the reason behind Jaguar’s decision to halt production of the XK coupe and convertible after the 2015 model year. . The spiritual successor to the famed XK-E, the XK had been on the market since 2006, but Jag has decided to put its product development capital somewhere else. "We have other things that we need to spend our time and money on," a Jaguar executive told Automotive News. The success of the sportier F-type had taken some of the pressure off the statelier XF but also sopped up some potential sales.


    捷豹汽车公司(Jaguar)决定在2015年之后停产XK双门双座轿车和敞篷车,理由是资源不足。XK于2006年上市,是XK-E精神著名的继承者,但捷豹汽车已经决定将它的产品研发资本另作他用。捷豹一位高管告诉《汽车新闻》(Automotive News):“我们有其他项目,需要投入时间和资金。”捷豹F型跑车的成功虽然缓解了更高档的XF系列所面临的压力,但同时也吸收了部分潜在销量。

    2.Chevrolet SS

    Chevy thought it had exploited narrowing white space in its model lineup when it began importing the Commodore, a rear-drive sedan, from GM Holden in Australia and renaming it the SS. Powered by a V-8 Corvette engine, the SS won rapturous reviews from buff book writers, but didn’t fit in Chevy’s front-wheel-drive lineup, and with a base price of $44,470, it never found an audience. All but D.O.A. on arrival in 2013, the fate of the SS was sealed when General Motors GM -0.87% decided to shut down production of the Commodore and everything else in Australia in 2017.


    最初,雪佛兰(Chevy)从澳大利亚的通用霍顿(GM Holden)进口了后轮驱动的海军准将汽车(Commodore),把它重新命名为SS。当时,雪佛兰认为此举可以充分填补车型阵营中的空白。SS采用V-8克尔维特(Corvette)引擎,赢得了车迷作家的疯狂好评,但却并不适合雪佛兰的前轮驱动阵营,44,470美元的起售价也导致它始终未能得到消费者的青睐。2013年,通用汽车决定到2017年停产海军准将和在澳大利亚的其他所有汽车品牌,SS的命运在当时便早已注定。

    3.Ford Flex

    An innovative if unsuccessful attempt to blend SUV style with minivan packaging, the Flex has been on the endangered list almost since it went on sale in 2008. A cult favorite with young Californians, much as its Lincoln counterpart, the MKT, has been pressed into livery service as a car-for-hire, the Flex has never found the wide audience at which it was intended. Although Ford F -0.23% hasn’t made any announcement regarding its fate, no replacement for the Flex or the MKT appears in John Murphy’s influential 2015-2018 “Car Wars” report.


    Flex是尝试把SUV造型与小型货车的总体布置融为一体的一次并不成功的创新。它自2008年上市以来一直都处在停产的边缘。与林肯MKT非常相似,这款汽车深受加州年轻人的喜爱,成为租车服务公司的礼宾车,但始终未能达到预期的销量。虽然福特汽车并没有宣布这款汽车的命运,但在约翰•墨菲颇具影响力的2015-2018《汽车大战》(Car Wars)报告中并没有出现Flex或MKT的替代车型。

    4.Dodge Durango

    You would have figured Durango for a long run--and you would have been wrong. Surprisingly, it is being discontinued in 2016. The reason is less than intuitive: Dodge is being reconfigured as FCA’s performance division, and Marchionne figures he can squeeze more margin out of the Durango platform if it can be reconfigured into a three-row, seven-passenger Jeep. So the SUV that was attractively restyled as recently as a year ago will make its last appearance in 2015.



    5.Dodge Grand Caravan

    Dodge will drop another popular stalwart from its lineup in 2016 when the Grand Caravan is euthanized in favor of Chrysler’s Town and Country. A descendant of the original Dodge minivan introduced in 1984, the bargain-priced people hauler didn’t fit Marchionne’s definition of the new Dodge, and he figures he can find more profit by focusing his minivan sales on the higher-priced Chrysler model.


    另外一款颇受欢迎的车型也将在2016年离开道奇家族。为了给克莱斯勒的Town & Country车型让路,道奇大捷龙(Grand Caravan)将面临“安乐死”的结局。大捷龙的前辈是道奇在1984年推出的小型货车。虽然价格实惠,但大捷龙并不符合马尔基翁对新道奇的定义。马尔基翁指出,将定价更高的克莱斯勒车型作为公司小型货车销售的重点,可以为公司创造更多利润。

    6.Chrysler 200 convertible

    Production of the 200 convertible, the latest iteration of the old Sebring, ended last October. Convertibles are undergoing one of their periodic sales depressions, and with the phase-out of the previous 200 platform, FCA declined to invest in a new drop-top for the reengineered 2015 model.



    7.Dodge Avenger

    The Avenger nameplate, which enjoyed a short run from 1995-2000 as a coupe and was revived in 2007 as a four-door to replace the Dodge Stratus, has died for a second time. The platform that the Avenger shared with the old Chrysler 200 was discontinued, and FCA wants to focus its midsize business on the Chrysler brand going forward.



    8.Acura TL

    If you blinked, you missed it in Acura’s alphanumeric mashup, but the TL is being replaced by the new TLX midsize sedan. The TL was Acura’s bestselling car model in a division dominated by crossovers, and had been around since 1996. Longevity is no guarantee in the car business however. In yet another attempt to jumpstart Acura sales, the 2015 TLX with more aggressive styling goes on sale soon.



    9.Mini Cooper Paceman, Coupe, and Roadster

    Since its launch in 2001, Mini has spawned nearly as many varieties as Heinz, and now it is going back to its roots. According to Automotive News Europe, BMW is retiring the three slow-selling models: Paceman, Coupe, and Roadster (above). That would still leave Mini with four variants, two of which, the hardtop hatch and the Countryman, account for 75% of its sales. Making fewer models should help Mini improve its perpetually dismal showing in JD Powers’ initial quality survey.

    9.Mini Cooper 车型Paceman、Coupe与Roadster

    自2001年问世以来,Mini车型推出的种类几乎可以与亨氏(Heinz)相媲美。如今,它选择了回归本源。据《欧洲汽车新闻》( Automotive News Europe)报道,宝马汽车公司(BMW)将停产三款销售缓慢的车型:Paceman、Coupe和Roadster(上图)。届时,Mini仍将保留四款车型,其中两款——硬顶敞篷车和Countryman——约占它销量的75%。减少型号或许可以帮助Mini,提高在调查机构JD Power的新车品质调查中一直以来的低迷成绩。

    10.McLaren MP4-12C

    Supercar makers like long production runs to amortize development costs over small volumes,but not McLaren. It ended production of the MP4-12C in April after only three years and 3,500 cars, and replaced it with a car called the 650S. Reason: Orders dried up for the old car as soon as potential buyers saw the new one. Prices start at $265,500 for the 650S, which will accelerate to 60 mph in 2.9 seconds. The old MP4 takes just a tenth of a second longer and cost $35,000 less.






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