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    据称高盛(Goldman Sachs)首席执行官劳埃德•布兰克费恩最早可能于今夏离任,近日此类传言甚嚣尘上。布兰克费恩是少数几个在金融危机之后仍成功留任的大银行首席执行官之一,但很多公司治理专家认为,变更掌门人非常有助于美国大型金融机构修复它们的声誉。消息人士告诉《财富》杂志(Fortune),高盛总裁兼首席运营官盖瑞•科恩是接替布兰克费恩的第一人选。


The future of Goldman's leadership

    Speculation has heated up that Lloyd Blankfein could step down as Goldman Sachs CEO as soon as this summer. Blankfein is one of the only big bank chiefs who kept his job after the financial crisis, but many corporate governance experts believe a changing of the guard could go a long way toward helping the nation's biggest financial institutions repair their reputations. Sources tell Fortune that president and chief operating officer Gary Cohn is the lead candidate to replace him.

    Blankfein isn't the only leader to see Goldman Sachs through booms and busts. Here is a quick look at the executives who have shaped the investment bank for more than four decades.


高级合伙人1969 – 1976年


Gustave "Gus" Levy

Senior partner 1969 - 1976

    Levy famously encouraged employees to be "long-term greedy." He served as the firm's senior partner until he had a stroke and died in 1976.


联席高级合伙人1976 – 1984年


John Whitehead

Co-senior partner 1976 - 1984

    Whitehead was a longtime chairman and leader at the bank. He left to serve as Deputy Secretary of State in the Reagan administration.


联席高级合伙人,1976 – 1984年

高级合伙人,1985 - 1990 年


John Weinberg

Co-senior partner 1976 - 1984

Senior partner 1985 - 1990

    Weinberg, whose father Sidney had previously led Goldman, was famous for saying, "We're only as good as our clients think we are." He remained the sole senior partner after Whitehead left for the U.S. government.

罗伯特 •鲁宾

联席高级合伙人1990 – 1992年


Robert Rubin

Co-senior partner 1990 - 1992

    Rubin departed Goldman to shape economic policy as Treasury Secretary in the Clinton administration. He resurfaced in banking as a Citigroup director until he resigned amid the financial crisis.


联席高级合伙人1990 – 1992年

高级合伙人1992 – 1994年


Stephen Friedman

Co-senior partner 1990 - 1992

Senior partner 1992 - 1994

    Friedman became the lone leader of Goldman after Rubin left. He remains a board member to this day.


高级合伙人1994 - 1999 年

    科赛带领高盛完成上市,但1999年1月被迫离职。此后,他转投新泽西政界,后来又开始执掌明富环球(MF Global)。明富环球近期引起轰动的破产案中被曝约有12亿美元的客户资金去向不明。

Jon Corzine

Senior partner 1994 - 1999

    Corzine took Goldman public, but he was forced out in January of 1999. He left for New Jersey politics, and later to lead MF Global, whose recent high-profile bankruptcy revealed an estimated $1.2 billion in missing customer funds.


联席高级合伙人1998 – 1999年

首席执行官1999 – 2006年



Henry Paulson

    Co-senior partner 1998 - 1999

    Chief executive 1999 - 2006

    Paulson took over as chief executive from Corzine. When he left to serve as Treasury Secretary for George W. Bush, Lloyd Blankfein took the top job at Goldman.



  1. 高盛和摩根士丹利:
  2. 高盛CEO今夏将离职?