Anne VanderMey | 2011-12-02 16:10
在中国,瑞典家居用品零售商宜家(Ikea)中国分店已成为购物者最心仪的休闲好去处。在宜家中国最热闹的分店——宜家北京店,可以看到老主顾们在餐厅里惬意地啜饮着越橘汁,在样品间里拍全家福,甚至舒服地躺在床上小憩。去年,共有3,300万人光顾了中国大陆的宜家分店。宜家在中国市场的收益飙升了20%,中国已经成为这家公司增长最快的市场之一。 数据说话: 20,000:宜家北京分店面积为463,000平方英尺,日均顾客数量为20,000人。周六和周日,顾客人数会迅速上涨到30,000名左右。 9: 宜家在中国大陆开设的分店数量已经达到9家,另外还有5家正在建设当中。亚洲和澳洲地区的销售额比例占公司销售总额的6%。 2.7万亿美元: 根据中国市场研究集团(China Market Research Group)的预测,2011年中国零售业销售额将达到2.7万亿美元,比上年提高16%。相比之下,今年以来美国零售业销售额增长率仅为8%。 译者:李玫晓/汪皓 | The Swedish retailer's stores in China have become a favorite leisure destination for shoppers. At Ikea's Beijing outlet (below) -- its busiest store in China -- patrons can be seen sipping lingonberry juice in the cafeteria, taking family portraits in showrooms, or even sleeping on the beds. Last year 33 million people visited Ikea's Chinese mainland stores. Revenue growth of 20% makes this one of the company's fastest-growing markets. --Anne VanderMey By the numbers: 20,000: The average number of shoppers a day who visit Ikea's 463,000-square-foot store in Beijing. On Saturdays and Sundays that number can spike to around 30,000 visitors. 9: The number of stores Ikea has opened in mainland China, with five more under construction. The Asian/Australian region accounts for 6% of the company's sales. $2.7 trillion: China's retail sales in 2011 as estimated by China Market Research Group, up 16% from the prior year. By contrast, U.S. retail sales so far this year have grown 8%. |