Patricia Sellers | 2011-09-16 13:53
《财富》杂志(Fortune)的编辑们已经完成了2011年财富杂志全球最具影响力的女性企业家(the 2011 Fortune Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs)的甄选。我们从131位候选人当中挑选出了(艰难地)10位杰出的女性,她们当中有的极具创新意识,有的改变了游戏规则,有的则开拓了新的商业领域。所有的这10家新建企业去年的收入都在100万美元-2500万美元之间,而且很有希望成长为大型国际性公司。 也就是说,这些女性有可能在今后荣登《财富》全球最具影响力商界女性榜单。(本年度美国和全球排名将于9月29日揭晓。) 与此同时,2011年全球最具影响力女性企业家将成为全球最具影响力女性大家庭的组成部分。以下所列出的10位女性企业创始人将参加于10月3-5日在加州拉古那尼克市举行的《财富》全球最具影响力女性峰会。除了能与《财富》500强公司的首席执行官们包括百事公司(PepsiCo,)的卢英德和杜邦公司(DuPont)的柯爱伦面对面交流外,她们还将见到知名企业家诸如阿丽安娜•赫芬顿(AOL),提拉•班克斯,托里•伯奇,切尔西•汉德拉以及沃伦•巴菲特。如今,很多人已经不记得伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)当初只不过是家小纺织工厂,但巴菲特却亲手将将它推上了《财富》全球500强企业的宝座,并高居榜单第7位。作为峰会的荣誉嘉宾,巴菲特每年都会与商界人士们一道分享他的金玉良言。不管你是谁,也不管你干哪一行,他说,“都要像主人一样思考。” 敬请关注《财富》杂志《明信片》栏目和Facebook 财富杂志全球最具影响力女性专栏,你将更多地了解这些2011年最具影响力女性企业家以及关于最具影响力女性大家庭的信息。 • 米兰达•鲍尔丁,物流工程服务提供商Logicore公司 网址: www.logicorehsv.com/ • 苏•陈,健康辅助器械制造商Nova Medical Products公司 网址:www.novamedicalproducts.com •简•弗里德曼,网络多媒体服务提供商Open Road Integrated Media公司 • 珍妮弗•海曼和珍妮弗•弗雷斯,时装租赁公司Rent the Runway,网址:www.renttherunway.com • 多恩•哈飞克,技术咨询服务提供商Halfaker & Associates公司,网址:www.halfaker.com • 克拉拉•希,网络方案提供商Hearsay公司,网址:www.hearsaysocial.com • 卡拉•葛尔丁,饮料生产商Hint Inc.公司,网址:www.drinkhint.com • 金伯利•格瑞汉内,尿不湿生产商gDiapers公司,网址:www.gDiapers.com • 卡特瑞纳•马科夫,巧克力生产商Vosges Chocolate公司,网址:www.vosgeschocolate.com • 德美特•穆特鲁,在线服装网店Trendyol公司,网址:www.trendyol.com | Fortune'seditors have chosen the 2011 Fortune Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs. From a pool of 131 applicants, we've selected (not easily) 10 extraordinary innovators, game-changers and groundbreakers whose startups generated $1 million to $25 million in annual revenue last year--but appear poised to become large and global businesses. That is, these women could be on the Fortune Most Powerful Women in Business list someday. (This year's U.S. and international rankings will be out September 29.) Well on their way, the 2011 MPW Entrepreneurs are hereby part of the MPW community. These 10 female founders listed below will be our guests at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, October 3-5 in Laguna Niguel, California. Besides hanging with Fortune 500 CEOs like Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo (PEP) and Ellen Kullman of DuPont (DD), they'll meet well-known entrepreneurs like Arianna Huffington (AOL), Tyra Banks, Tory Burch, Chelsea Handler—and Warren Buffett too. Many people forget that Buffett built Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA), once a small textile manufacturer, into a company that is now No. 7 on the Fortune 500. Buffett, the Summit's honorary male guest, dishes out good advice to the business-builders in all of us each year. No matter who you are or what you do, as he says, "Think like an owner." Keep reading Postcards and checking FortuneMPW on Facebook to learn about these 2011 MPW Entrepreneurs--and more about the MPW community. • Miranda Bouldin, Logicore http://www.logicorehsv.com/ • Sue Chen, Nova Medical Products http://www.novamedicalproducts.com • Jane Friedman, Open Road Integrated Media http://www.openroadmedia.com • Jennifer Hyman and Jennifer Fleiss, Rent the Runway http://www.renttherunway.com • Dawn Halfaker, Halfaker & Associates http://www.hearsaysocial.com • Clara Shih, Hearsay http://www.hearsaysocial.com • Kara Goldin, Hint Inc. http://www.drinkhint.com • Kimberley Graham-Nye, gDiapers http://www.gDiapers.com • Katrina Markoff, Vosges Chocolate http://www.vosgeschocolate.com • Demet Mutlu, Trendyol http://www.trendyol.com |