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Delphine Arnault

Company: LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton

Current CEO: Bernard Arnault

Unlike some heiresses, Delphine Arnault, the hyper-elegant daughter of Bernard Arnault, has more than style. (Though she also has a lot of that too.) Arnault, a London School of Economics graduate, is deputy managing director at elite clothier Dior. After a stint at McKinsey, she was also appointed to the board of directors at LVMH at age 28, where she was the only woman. Those high-powered positions have primed speculation that she could eventually inherit the reins to her father's multinational luxury empire.




    谷歌(Google)官网上有一个介绍公司领导层的网页,上面有各位领导的照片和简历。排在前三位的是谷歌“三巨头”:拉里•佩奇、埃里克•施密特和谢尔盖•布林。第四位便是谷歌的高级副总裁兼业务总监尼科什•阿罗拉。《华尔街日报》(he Wall Street Journal)曾推测阿罗拉或将成为雅虎CEO卡萝尔•巴茨的继任人,但现在看来,阿罗拉在谷歌的前途一帆风顺。他在Twitter上的个人介绍也非常简单——“Google :)”。职业前景如此光明,以后他笑的日子肯定还多着呢。

Nikesh Arora

Company: Google

Current CEO: Larry Page

    Go to the Google management page. Scroll down through the pictures and bios of Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, and Sergey Brin. Then scroll down one more, and you'll see Nikesh Arora, Google's senior vice president and chief business officer. Arora has been floated by the Wall Street Journal's AllThingsD as a potential successor to Carol Bartz at Yahoo, but for the moment he seems to be doing just fine at Google. His Twitter bio is simple: "Google :)". With career prospects like this, there's no doubt he has a lot to smile about.




    谁将接替杰米•戴蒙的位子,成为摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)的下一任CEO?有几个重量级人物比较有戏,其中一个就是迈克尔•卡瓦那。他曾任摩根大通的财务总监,现任公司公债与证券服务部负责人。虽说长久以来,人们一直认为卡瓦那是争夺下任CEO最有力的人选,但不得不承认,为戴蒙挑选继任人是个棘手的任务。据报道摩根大通现在已经启动了接班人计划,但是鉴于戴蒙目前并无退意,华尔街的猜测可能还得持续很长一段时间。

Michael Cavanagh

Company: J.P. Morgan Chase

Current CEO: Jamie Dimon

    In the contest to fill the big shoes of Jamie Dimon, there are a few established names. Mike Cavanagh is one of them. The one-time J.P. Morgan Chase CFO is now head of Treasury and Securities Services at the company. Though he has long been considered a leading candidate for the bank's top job, picking Dimon's follower is a tricky game. A succession plan is reportedly in place, but with no plans to retire, Dimon could keep the Street guessing for a long time yet.





Todd Combs

Company: Berkshire Hathaway

Current CEO: Warren Buffett

    No one will ever be able to replace Warren Buffett, but someone will have to succeed him. Berkshire Hathaway will likely split up Buffett's duties when he is no longer CEO, with two different people splitting the responsibilities -- one running the company, the other investments. The second of those could be Todd Combs, the little-known hedge fund manager who was propelled to stardom last year when he was hired at Berkshire. He is the only known contender to eventually take over the investing piece of Buffett's duties, though the promotion is hardly in the bag. Fortune has reported that Combs' current position is being viewed as an "extended trial." Will he succeed? Who knows. It may seem like the Oracle of Omaha is betting on it, but then again, he has no plans to retire.





Tim Cook

Company: Apple

Current CEO: Steve Jobs

    The chief operating officer of Apple computers is an important job, but it got more important when Steve Jobs, CEO and tech idol, took medical leave. In his absence, COO Tim Cook began running the day-to-day operations of the tech giant, and is widely believed to be the leading candidate to succeed him. Cook is a Duke MBA grad, a former vice president at Compaq, and a 12-year IBM veteran. A southerner who favors collared shirts over turtlenecks, he's a bit more buttoned up than Jobs. But with a reputation for boundless energy and capability (plus blue jeans sans tie), it's not unimaginable that he could inherent Jobs' mantle as the paragon of techie cool.





Kazuo Hirai

Company: Sony

Current CEO: Howard Stringer

    Kazuo "Kaz" Hirai is known as the man who worked magic on the underperforming PlayStation franchise, or as his official corporate bio puts it, he made the PlayStation brand "synonymous with exceptional gaming." In March, Hirai was promoted to his current position as executive deputy president and officer in charge of Sony's consumer electronics businesses. The move was part of a clear signal that Howard Stringer would pass the baton to him. The new job hasn't been a cakewalk, though. The devastating quakes in March rocked the company's Tokyo headquarters, and hackers recently breached Sony computers, stealing customer data. Investors will watch closely to see if Hirai can work the same magic in his new job.




    眼下对于思科公司(Cisco)的人力资源体系来说并不是个好时候。上个月思科系统公司(Cisco Systems)宣布将裁员9%,并将另7%的员工转移到另外一家公司。不过思科对精简后的组织结构和未来有可能接任CEO的罗伯特•劳埃德给予了很高的期望。劳埃德是个加拿大人【本科毕业于加拿大的曼尼托巴大学(University of Manitoba)】。劳埃德1994年加盟思科,成为加拿大分公司的总经理,此后步步高升,现在已经贵为思科负责全球运营的常务副总裁。有些人说,这个职位很可能是劳埃德继任CEO的踏脚石。

Robert Lloyd

Company: Cisco

Current CEO: John Chambers

    These aren't the best of times for the company behind the human network. Last month Cisco Systems announced plans to lay off 9% of its workforce and to transfer another 7% to another company. But Cisco has high hopes for its new, streamlined organizational chart and its possible future CEO, Robert Lloyd. A Canadian (he holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Manitoba), Lloyd rose through the ranks since joining the company in 1994 as general manager of Cisco's Canadian subsidiary. He's now executive vice president of worldwide operations, a position that some say could be a stepping-stone to the top job at the Fortune 500 mainstay.


所在公司:J. Crew


    彭博电视台(Bloomberg TV)曾经问过“商业王子”米奇•德雷克斯勒,詹娜•里昂斯是否有一天会成为他的继任者。德雷克斯勒回答道:“你怎么可能说不呢,对吧?”里昂斯现在是J. Crew公司的总裁兼执行创意总监。她早在1990年便加盟了公司,时任助理设计师,通过多年的奋斗,才一步步升到今天的位子。今年三月,几家私募股权公司以30亿美元的价格收购了J. Crew。股东们纷纷批评这次交易,并对公司的前途感到不安。不过有里昂斯的严厉苛刻和卓越的才能,加上J. Crew品牌的高认知度(连奥巴马总统的女儿都是它的顾客),德雷克斯勒似乎并不对公司感到担心。他说:“我晚上睡得很好。”

Jenna Lyons

Company: J. Crew

Current CEO: Mickey Drexler

    "Merchant Prince" Mickey Drexler was once asked by Bloomberg TV whether Jenna Lyons could one day succeed him. He replied, "Well how could you say no, right?" Lyons is J. Crew's president and executive creative director. She joined the company as an assistant designer in 1990 and worked her way up through the ranks. In March, private equity firms bought J. Crew for $3 billion. Shareholders have criticized the deal and fretted about the company's future, but with Lyon's exacting talents and the brand's strong recognition (President Obama's daughters are customers), Drexler says, "I sleep well at night."




    在谈到谁将取代彭明盛的话题时,猎头机构Cook Associates的塞斯•哈里斯认为,弗吉尼亚•罗梅蒂这个人物不可不提。罗梅蒂是IBM的高级副总裁,也是销售部门的负责人,同时还是营销和战略部的新任负责人。罗梅蒂毕业于美国西北大学(Northwestern University)工程专业,人们认为她是彭明盛理所当然的继任者。Cook Associates公司的常务董事塞斯•哈里斯本人也曾在IBM任职,他表示,罗梅蒂在IBM服役数十年之久,早已家喻户晓,证明IBM已经选定由她出任下任CEO。

Virginia Rometty

Company: IBM

Current CEO: Sam Palmisano

    In discussions about who will replace Sam Palmisano, Seth Harris of executive search firm Cook Associates says one name inevitably comes up -- Ginni Rometty. Rometty is a senior vice president at IBM, as well as the head of sales and the new head of marketing and strategy. In charge of multi-billion-dollar company operations, the Northwestern computer science and engineering grad has been described as the logical successor to Palmisano. Harris, a managing director at Cook Associates and an IBM alum himself, says Rometty's decades-long tenure at IBM makes her a known quantity, and a proven choice to lead Big Blue.




    莫琳•沙利文还没有被美国在线(AOL)内定为正式继任人。这位女高管现年还不到30岁,不过在美国在线的官网上,她的官方履历称,她是“美国在线的关键战略家之一” 。她现任负责企业传播和营销的高级副总裁,但当年刚刚进入美国在线时,莫琳的工作只是现任CEO蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗的助理。而在此之前,她也曾追随阿姆斯特朗在谷歌工作过一段时间。据报道,美国在线正着力重塑品牌形象,使其更时尚、更年轻,而莫琳•沙利文在这其中扮演了重要的角色。勿庸置疑,她必成为美国在线的下一代核心高管。


Maureen Sullivan

Company: AOL

Current CEO: Tim Armstrong

    Maureen Sullivan is not the heir apparent to the AOL top spot -- yet. Her official bio describes the not-yet-30 executive as "one of the key strategists at AOL." She is now the senior vice president of corporate communications and marketing, but joined the company as an assistant to AOL CEO Tim Armstrong, with whom she had also worked at Google. Sullivan was reportedly a big part of AOL's rebranding push -- in a way personifying a hipper, younger version of the brand. Next-generation C-suite, indeed.
