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Learning by doing

    Dell, FedEx, Facebook, Microsoft: Some of today's biggest companies were born in college dormitories.

    There are a lot of good reasons for young entrepreneurs to get an early jump and start their businesses in college. Some have a vision to change how things work. Others want to make a quick buck. And some just want to do what they love.

    Not every business is built to succeed. A startup's founders may lose interest, leave when they graduate, or just need to grow up a little before embarking on a money-making venture. But then there are those visionaries. For them, age doesn't matter when it comes to great ideas.

    Here are six companies that have a shot to become another household name that began in college.


Solé Bicycles





    对于南加州大学(University of Southern California)这样大的学校,自行车无疑是校园通勤最便捷的交通工具。但是自行车不光只是交通工具,更是个性的体现。



Started: 2009

Founders: Jake Medwell and Jonathan Shriftman

School: University of Southern California

    At a big school like USC, biking around campus is the easiest way to get around. But a bicycle isn't just a conveyance -- it's also a personal statement.

    In 2009, fraternity brothers Jake Medwell and Jonathan Shriftman gained a strong following with their new and colorful fixed gear bikes sold from their house at a fixed price of $310 apiece. The first 200 quickly sold out, and the company has taken off from there. All of Solés' profit goes right back into the business.

    Medwell and Shriftman are in the process of meeting with investors so they can expand beyond the West Coast. They expect to generate over $1 million in revenue in the next calendar year.








    Hercampus网站创始之初是为了帮助大学女学生建立一个获取实际工作经验的平台,同时使她们能够分享各自的经历。网站一开始只针对哈佛(Harvard)学生开放【与马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)创立的网站一样】,但是到了去年,该网站在全国的分站数已经达到了130多家,而且明年开学之际将增加100多家新分站。


Started: 2009

Founders: Windsor Hangar, Stephanie Kaplan, and Annie Wang

School: Harvard

    Hercampus co-founder Windsor Hanger says she had no idea her career website for women would expand so rapidly in just two years. She and partners Stephanie Kaplan and Annie Wang now oversee more than 1,700 branch managers who all contribute to a site with 250,000 unique visitors every month.

    Hercampus was created as a platform to help college women gain real work experience while sharing their stories. At first it was local to Harvard (like another website started by a kid named Mark Zuckerberg), but as of last year, it had over 130 branches across the country with 100 more expected by the beginning of next school year.

    Hercampus' founders hope to add additional platforms for college students to promote their work. They also want to establish more relationships with other businesses to help market their products to a purely college-aged audience.






就读学校:分别就读于北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)、汉密尔顿大学(Hamilton College)、科罗拉多学院(Colorado College)


    创业的第一年,特瑞普•弗雷和双胞胎兄弟约翰和克里斯•普开着房车来销售产品。他们翻山越岭,为的是向零售商和其他冬季运动爱好者推销和销售他们的产品。他们的毅力得到了回报。他们的合伙人估计Trew Gear现在的价值是创始之初的5倍。


Started: 2008

Founders: Tripp Frey, Jon Pew, and Chris Pew

School: University of North Carolina, Hamilton College, Colorado College, resp.

    TrewGear's big thumb logo is starting to show up a lot more at ski resorts on the West Coast. That's because the founders of the ski- and snowboard-wear maker followed the old maxim -- Do what you love.

    For their first year of operation, Tripp Frey and twin brothers Jon and Chris Pew ran sales out of an RV. They went from mountain to mountain personally promoting and selling their products to retailers and other winter sports enthusiasts. Their perseverance paid off. The partners estimate that Trew Gear is worth five times its original value.

    The three friends plan on expanding their line for both their online store and retailers. Their favorite part about their business -- spending time on the mountain -- can now be written off as work.

Smathers and Branson针刺饰品公司

Smathers and Branson





    奥斯汀•布兰森和皮特•司马萨斯分别从各自的女友那里收到了针绣腰带作为礼物,随后, 两人便意识到一个新的市场投资机遇正摆在自己的眼前。随着对针绣腰带认识的进一步深入,他们越来越意识到这一市场大有潜力可挖。


    虽然产品定位于高端(腰带165美元一条),但自创立之日起,公司的销售额便以每年40%的速度增长。Smathers and Branson公司希望在今后的一年半内推出12-16款新品。

Started: 2003

Founders: Peter Smathers and Austin Branson

School: Bowdoin College

    After getting needlepoint belts as gifts from their respective girlfriends, Austin Branson and Peter Smathers saw an opportunity to capitalize on a new market. The more they began to dig into the world of needlepoint, the more potential they discovered.

    From start to finish, needlepoint is generally a costly and timely process. After some searching, the pair discovered a manufacturer in Vietnam who understood their vision both in quality and cost. Starting with just belts, they now offer an array of products from key chains to wallets sold online and in country clubs across the East Coast.

    Although the products are higher end ($165 for a belt), sales have grown 40% every year since the company was founded. Smathers and Branson hope to release 12 to 16 new products in the next year and a half.








    这家网站致力于帮助大学生群体搜寻热销折扣产品,例如雷朋(Ray Ban)太阳镜和iPod附件。如果找到一定数量的买家,那么就能拿到很高的折扣。想买的人越多,价格越低。


Started: 2011

Founders: Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta and Cosmin Ghotta

School: Bates College

    Only a few months old, group buying site Numberspay has already shown it is able to generate revenue while saving its customers money.

    The site works by finding discounts for groups of college students on popular products like Ray Ban sunglasses or iPod accessories. When a preset number of buyers is found, the product is sold at a deep discount. As more people pledge to buy the product, the price gets even lower.

    Numberspay currently discovers products by searching for retailers who offer lower costs for buyers in bulk. But founders Steven Pecora, Darrin Cromwell, Matthew Conetta, and Cosmin Ghotta hope to one day partner with manufacturers directly to get even better deals. Numberspay also plans to expand beyond just college students.

The Next Step Realty大学生房屋租赁服务公司

The Next Step Realty




就读学校:分别就读于瑞奇蒙大学(University of Richmond)、北卡罗来纳大学(North Carolina)

    “大学毕业生毕业后第一个打交道的就是他们的雇主以及帮他们找到第一套住所的人,” The Next Step Realty公司的合伙创始人布莱尔•布兰特说道。尽管他没能力帮助同学们找到第一份工作,但是他可以帮助他们找到第一套住所。

    The Next Step Realty创立之初旨在帮助大城市(例如纽约、伦敦)刚毕业的大学生找到他们的第一套住所。仅仅一年的时间内,通过免费的网站服务,布兰特和合伙创始人贝尔顿•贝克已经建立起了一个有近5,000人的大学生客户群。80家房产中介公司已经与网站签约,他们必须付费才能接触到这些正在找房子的毕业生。


Started: 2010

Founders: Blair Brandt and Belton Baker

School: University of Richmond, University of North Carolina, resp.

    "The first relationships college students establish after graduation are with their employer and with the person who finds them their first living situation." So says The Next Step Realty cofounder Blair Brandt. While he can't help his former classmates find a job, he can help them find a place to live.

    The Next Step Realty was created as a network for recently employed graduates in major cities like New York and London to find their first living arrangements. In just a year, Brandt and cofounder Belton Baker have put together a community of nearly 5,000 college students who don't pay a dime for the service. 80 brokers have signed up so far, and they pay for access to those rental-seeking grads.

    Blair personally tries to connect brokers with graduates who have similar interests, went to similar schools, and had similar first jobs. By doing so, he wants to establish relationships that will go far beyond a graduate's first space.
