富士康爆炸案对苹果期权的Max Pain价格有何影响
Philip Elmer-DeWitt | 2011-05-25 17:06

爆炸发生前、后苹果期权的Max Pain价格。图片来源:BSL
我们曾就期权买卖如何影响苹果(Apple)股价写过很多文章。因此,我们觉得如果看看有一天苹果股价反过来推动期权市场——所谓的Max Pain价格,即期权卖家利润最大、买家损失最大的执行价——的情况,一定很有启发意义。 自从去年7月苹果的一周期权开始交易以来,几乎每个周五苹果股价都收于或接近Max Pain价格,如果上周五没有中国iPad 工厂爆炸这样的意外消息影响,可能也会这样。 上面两张图源自读者密克•布莱基的一张幻灯片演示稿。在现实生活身为火箭科学家兼资深电脑用户的布莱基一直密切跟踪Max Pain价格的变动。图一是上周五开盘前的截屏,Max Pain价格为340美元。苹果股票开盘报339.56美元,日间交易区间不超过1美元,直到中国工厂爆炸消息传出。图二是收盘后的截屏,Max Pain价格已降至335美元。苹果股价收于335.22美元。 欲知更多信息,可参阅布莱基的《Fast Look at Weekly Options》,可点击这里。 | We've written a lot lately about how traders buying and selling options seem to be driving Apple's (AAPL) share price (see here, here and here.) So we thought it might be instructive to look at what happened on a day when Apple's share price took over and drove the options market -- specifically, the so-called Max Pain price point where options writers make the most profit and options buyers suffer the biggest losses. Apple's shares have closed at or near Max Pain nearly every Friday since weekly option trading in Apple began last July, and they might have done so again last Friday if unexpected news -- in the form of an explosion in a Chinese iPad factory -- hadn't intervened. The charts above are from a slide show put together by reader Mick Blackledge, a real-life rocket scientist and veteran computer user who's been following the Max Pain story closely. In the first chart, a snapshot taken before Friday's opening, Max Pain stood at $340. Apple opened at $339.56 and traded within a $1 range until news of the explosion in China crossed the wires. In the second, taken after the closing bell, Max Pain has shifted to $335. Apple closed at $335.22. For more detail, see Blackledge's "Fast Look at Weekly Options" here. |