iPad is No. 3 holiday wish, after world peace/happiness and a laptop
Philip Elmer-DeWitt | 2010-11-15 10:22
"Family Together" came in No. 7 in a recent survey. "Good Health" was No. 8.

One of Apple's (AAPL) public relations operatives e-mailed overnight to let me know that a Consumer Electronics Association survey -- one that put the iPad No. 3 on this year's holiday wish list -- was likely to be highlighted in a CEA webcast scheduled for 2 p.m. ET Wednesday.
I can see why Apple would be pleased as punch to see the iPad so high on the CEA wish list, and the iPod/iPod touch not far behind.
I'm just glad the devices didn't come out ahead of peace and happiness!
After all, what are we to make of a survey that invites participants choose between products that can be purchased for a few hundred bucks and states of being that people struggle all their lives to achieve?
I mean, really. Family together No. 7? Good health No. 8? Money No. 10?
Doesn't everybody know that when the Genie grants you three wishes, your third wish should be for three more?
Below the fold: The results of the CEA survey, which found that although U.S. consumers are expected to spend an average of $750 on gifts this holiday season, down 2% from last year, they are prepared to spend a record $232 each on consumer electronics gifts, up 5% from 2009.

The CEA's 10/19/2010 press release is available here.