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These practical gems deserve a place on your nightstand.

How to Have a Good Day

Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life

By Caroline Webb




If the thrill is fading from your work, economist and former McKinsey partner Webb has the antidote. Drawing on brain research, she shows how to make more of your daily tasks pleasurable, max out your creativity, and add to your impact by putting in place the seven building blocks of a good day. Webb will show you how to prevent burnout so you arrive at your desk excited and leave energized.

Confessions of the Pricing Man

How Price Affects Everything

By Hermann Simon




Pricing is one of the most critical decisions a company can make, but the vast majority of executives give it an educated guess at best—leaving 25% to 100% of their potential revenue on the table. Turn what you charge into a strategic weapon with this crash course on the psychology of pricing, written by the founder of Simon-Kucher & Partners, the premier global consultancy in this field. (Make sure you check out the case study on the London Olympics, which generated more revenue than the three previous Olympics combined.)


A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade

By Robert Cialdini

定价是企业最关键的决策之一,但绝大多数高管最多也只是在了解情况的基础上进行猜测,进而把25%-100%的潜在收入拱手让给了别人。本书提供的定价心理速成培训可以把定价变成战略性武器,作者则是全球最佳定价咨询公司Simon-Kucher & Partners创始人(一定要读一读针对伦敦奥运会的案例分析,这次奥运会创造的收入超过了此前三届的总和)。

《说服之前 :影响和说服的革命性途径》


Many believe that Cialdini’s bestseller, Influence, made him the top mind on this subject. Now he has produced a book that shows how to multiply the effects of your persuasion. The key is to take the right steps before you attempt to influence someone. This book reveals the proper timing and setup, something many sophisticated marketers don’t know.

Right Away and All at Once

Five Steps to Transform Your Business and Enrich Your Life

By Robert Cialdini




Every company is in perpetual turnaround mode today. Brenneman—ex-CEO of Burger King and PwC Consulting and past COO of Continental Airlines—offers a succinct formula to evaluate whether your business can be saved and, if so, how to do it. No matter what business you’re in, you’ll profit from the advice of the king of turnarounds.

The Coaching Habit

Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

By Michael Bungay Stanier




I’ve long hoped we’ll replace the term “manager” with “coach.” Stanier shows why it is imperative to do so in a data-driven age and how leaders can guide people in 10 minutes a day or less. Tapping key findings in behavioral economics, he reveals the seven questions coaches must ask to achieve phenomenal results.



作者:Verne Harnish





  1. 2014年最火的八本财经书籍
  2. 五本最佳商业书籍
  3. 《美国宪法》突然成为亚马逊最畅销书籍 。