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As the rash of shootings and gun violence across the U.S. continues, technology may ultimately prove to be an important tool to prevent some of it. That is, if it ever reaches a mass market.

Since the mid-1990s, companies around the globe have been working on advanced gun safety technology. Indeed, gun safety technology has become a cottage industry of sorts, with small firearms companies eyeing ways to reduce the dangers of firearms.

Of course, as with anything related to guns, there is a debate over whether so-called “smart guns” that rely on technology to increase safety are truly an improvement. Organizations like the Smart Tech Challenges Foundation argue that adding intelligent technology like biometrics can save lives. The San Francisco-based organization, which has granted $1 million to “innovators” working on gun-safety technology, says that with help from the technology industry, it is possible “to make firearms safer for gun owners, their families, and their communities.”

Earlier this year, Democratic senators Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) introduced a bill called the “Handgun Trigger Safety Act” and pointed to advances in gun technology as proof that “smart guns” are viable options. The bill, if signed into law, would require handgun vendors to “retrofit” guns with “personalization technology” that would only let the owners shoot them. The bill would also require U.S. handgun makers to produce guns with that personalization technology within five years.

It wasn’t long before critics attacked the bill and the very idea of smart guns. The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action says that it’s neither against smart guns nor against Americans owning them. But it “opposes any law prohibiting Americans from acquiring or possessing firearms that don’t possess smart gun technology.”

However, following the mass shootings of the last several years, including the latest attack in San Bernardino, Calif. this week, the call for more gun safety is growing. Meanwhile, technology is advancing in the interest of enhanced gun safety. Here are some of the ideas:



当然,正如所有和枪支有关的问题一样,人们一直在争论所谓的“智能枪械”,也就是依靠科技来提高枪支安全性,这是否真的是一种进步。Smart Tech Challenges Foundation等组织认为,生物测定等智能技术能拯救生命。这家设在旧金山的基金会已向枪支安全领域的“创新者”提供了100万美元资金。它表示,在科技行业的帮助下,有可能“让枪支变得更安全,对持枪者以及他们的家人和社区来说都是如此”。




The Aramatix iP1: The Aramatix iP1 resembles a standard handgun, but it comes with a twist: only the owner can fire it. The iP1 will only shoot if it’s within 10 inches of a special watch worn by the owner and must be activated by a five-digit PIN that is valid for just eight hours before it resets. The owner will only be able to fire the gun if the PIN is accurately entered and they’re wearing the watch. If either of those elements is missing, the gun is useless.

The Aramatix iP1:The Aramatix iP1的外形和标准手枪一样,但二者的差别是,只有持有者才能用iP1射击。触发条件是持有者佩戴的专用手表距iP1不到10英寸,而且必须用每八小时重置一次的五位密码激活iP1。也就是说,只有在输入正确的密码并佩戴专用手表时才能用iP1射击。缺少任何一个条件,iP1就会变成摆设。

The Gun Box: The Gun Box is a safe designed to store handguns in the home. The safe features a biometric fingerprint scanner to ensure only authorized owners can access the firearm inside. In addition, the safe comes with an RFID scanner that can wirelessly open its door when owners are close by. RFID is also built into a ring that owners wear to communicate with, and ultimately open, the box without using a fingerprint.

The Gun Box:The Gun Box是放置手枪的家用保险柜。它带有指纹扫描功能,从而确保只有获得授权的持有者才能拿到保险柜里的枪支。同时,它还配备了射频识别装置,持有者接近时可通过无线方式打开保险柜。持有者还会获得带有射频识别功能的戒指,作用是和保险柜通信,从而在不扫描指纹的情况下打开保险柜。

RFID Guns: Radio frequencies are also being tested for gun safety. The Smart Tech Challenges Foundation is helping to fund firearms that would come with built-in RFID chips capable of capturing and storing information internally. The RFID chips built into the firearms communicate with a ring or watch worn by the gun’s owner. If the RFID receivers are within a few inches of each other, the owner will be able to fire the gun. If not, the gun cannot be fired.

射频识别枪支:射频识别技术还用在了枪支安全方面。Smart Tech Challenges Foundation正在资助制造商生产内置了射频芯片的枪支,该芯片的作用是捕捉并存储信息。它会和枪支持有者戴的戒指进行通信。如果双方的距离只有几英寸,持有者就能射击;否则就无法用这种枪支射击。

Fingerprint Technology: Several teams at the Smart Tech Challenges Foundation are working on creating biometric technology for guns. The firearms would be built with fingerprint scanners, much like some smartphones. The gun would only shoot after an authorized owner validates his or her fingerprint. The scanners may be placed on several areas on the gun, including the grip.

指纹技术:Smart Tech Challenges Foundation的几个团队正在开发用于枪支的生物测定技术。这些枪支带有指纹识别功能,很像智能手机。授权持有者验证指纹后才能开枪。枪支的好几个部位都可安装指纹识别器,包括枪柄。

TriggerSmart: TriggerSmart is another company that has built RFID into guns. Its technology similarly relies on the gun owner wearing a ring that communicates with a small RFID chip in the firearm’s stock or grip. If the firearm is too far away from the ring or someone else tries to use it, the gun will not fire.

Looking ahead, it’s hard to say what the future for smart gun technology looks like. While people are actively seeking ways to make firearms safer, no major gunmaker is selling smart guns on a broad scale. Indeed, in April, Fortune reported wrote about one dealer trying to sell the Aramatix iP1. He asked Fortune not to use his last name or identify where he lives. The reason? He fears for his life. The previous two gun dealers who tried to sell smart guns were threatened by anonymous callers. Those dealers were told they would be put of business, or perhaps, even killed, because they were selling the smart gun.



实际上,今年4月份《财富》杂志曾报道过一位销售Aramatix iP1的经销商,但他要求《财富》不提及他的姓氏或居住地。为什么?因为他担心自己的人身安全。此前曾有两位销售智能枪械的经销商接到了匿名威胁电话。打电话的人说会让他们破产,甚至会杀了他们,就因为他们销售智能枪械。(财富中文网)





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