Anne Fisher | 2014-01-24 10:42
For great perks, nice campuses, and a strong esprit de corps, the employers on Fortune's list of the best companies to work for are hard to top. But what if you're looking for a job that might let you work from home or from some other remote location, at least part of the time?
Legitimate work-at-home jobs do exist, but "it can be really hard to find real openings with all the scams and bogus business opportunities out there," notes Sara Sutton Fell, CEO of FlexJobs. A team of researchers at the site have checked out their work-at-home job listings to make sure they are on the level before they post them.
FlexJobs reports a 25% increase in mobile or work-at-home jobs in 2013, mostly because technology has made it practical to do more kinds of work remotely. "We're still surprised by some of the positions we come across," says research director Kelly Kirby -- including senior analyst, nursing case manager, account executive, accountant, software developer, webmaster, and virtual teacher.
Some of the companies using technology to hire and train people over greater distances, she adds, are big names in their industries, like Apple (AAPL), Xerox (XRX), UnitedHealth Group (UNH), Dell, ADP (ADP), and American Express (AXP).
Each year, FlexJobs publishes a list of the 100 employers who posted the most work-at-home and remote jobs in the preceding 12 months. The top 25 on the current list:
1. Xerox
2. UnitedHealth Group
3. Dell
4. Aetna
5. American Express
6. First Data
7. Humana
8. Westat
9. K12
10. ADP
11. Overland Solutions
12. CyberCoders
13. U.S. Department of Transportation
14. SAP
15. PayJunction
16. Connections Academy
17. Apple
18. IBM
19. HD Supply
20. Salesforce.com
21. Western Governors University
22. CACI International
23. About.com
24. McKesson Corp.
25. Aon
Job hunters who aren't looking to telecommute right now, but think they might be someday, can use Flexjobs' list to check out which companies already seem most receptive to the idea, Sutton Fell adds. "It can be helpful to know which employers to keep an eye on."
说到丰厚的津贴、漂亮的总部和强大的团队精神,恐怕很难有公司能够超越进入《财富》(Fortune) “最适宜工作公司”榜单的那些雇主。但如果你想找的工作至少有一部分时间可以在家或其他地方办公,情况可能就不一样了。
凯利表示,部分公司还会利用技术手段,进行远程招聘或员工培训。这些公司包括在行业中大名鼎鼎的苹果公司(Apple),施乐公司(Xerox),联合健康集团(UnitedHealth Group),戴尔公司(Dell),业务外包解决方案提供商ADP,及美国运通公司(American Express)等。
1. 施乐公司
2. 联合健康集团
3. 戴尔公司
4. 美国安泰保险金融集团
5. 美国运通公司
6. 第一资讯公司
7. 美国哈门那公司
8. 维思达特公司
9. 在线教育公司K12
10. 业务外包解决方案提供商ADP
11. 信息服务提供商Overland Solutions
12. 猎头公司CyberCoders
13. 美国交通部
14. 思爱普公司
15. 支付业务公司PayJunction
16. 网络学校Connections Academy
17. 苹果公司
18. IBM公司
19. 工业经销商HD Supply
20. 云计算公司Salesforce.com
21. 西部州长办大学
22. 专业服务及IT解决方案提供商CACI International
23. 生活门户About.com
24. 麦克森公司
25. 怡安集团