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    The 1950s were a heady time for the American economy. The grim years of World War II were fading in the rearview mirror, and growing corporations realized they needed a new breed of manager who could oversee conglomerates spanning borders and dozens of brands.

    But rather than cultivate their own talent, companies looked to the burgeoning academic programs in management -- those granting a Master of Business Administration (MBA) -- for help.

    It was a straightforward idea. Why invest in training young, budding businessmen when universities were already in that space? Still, the rise of the MBA inspired handwringing, which was chronicled in a 1950 Fortune feature by management guru Peter Drucker called "The Graduate Business School."

    Among the critiques: Management was about doing, not academic study. MBA programs created "crown princes" marked for the top who knew little about the businesses they would run. Society needed entrepreneurs, not business administrators. What was the purpose of an MBA, anyway?

    Such questions no longer made universities shy from business programs -- money poured into them after all -- but Drucker wrote that "It would be no exaggeration to say that the business schools, while they have won the war, do not know what to do with their victory. The business schools have 'arrived' without quite knowing what their job is, or how to accomplish it."

    How can the businessman know his function in society, Drucker wondered, "if their own professional schools do not know what it is?"

    Sixty-three years later, some things have changed. For starters, women -- completely absent in Drucker's piece, where GE (GE) managers talked of the "bright lads from the Harvard Business School" -- comprised 41% of HBS's class of 2015. Women have made up north of 40% of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School for the past few years.

    MBA students are also generally older than they were in 1950. Then, "The typical graduate student comes directly from college," Drucker wrote. "If he has any work experience at all it is as a counselor in a summer camp; or maybe he has sold subscriptions to the Saturday Evening Post. He has never lived as an adult in an adult world, has never been on his own, and, above all, he lacks business experience." Drucker was not pleased.

    Six decades later, most programs take his point to heart and now require a few (two-five) years of work experience. "Companies started asking for it. Companies started demanding it," says Elissa Ellis-Sangster, executive director of the Forte Foundation, which works with business schools and corporations to increase the representation of women in business careers. "Having that work experience matures them a little more."

    Other questions, though, are still being debated. Drucker explained the "crown prince" problem by noting that at business schools, "there is an inherent tendency toward the turning out of men who aim at making an end run around a large organization directly to the top, rather than proving their abilities and qualities in working their way up in competition with the rest of the organization."

    This makes sense. After all, why take time off work to go to school unless you think you'll gain more than those years of seniority? Nonetheless, other employees naturally resented these men marked for greatness. And that undermined morale.

    In general, today's female MBA students don't have a "crown princess" aura, Ellis-Sangster insists; "They have to be coached and advised on how to promote themselves." 




    这一点很容易理解。既然大学已经进入这个领域,公司为什么还要去投资培养年轻的商业人士?然而,MBA的出现还是引起了许多人的担忧。管理学大师彼得•德鲁克在1950年的一期《财富》杂志(Fortune )中对此有过描述,文章的标题是《商学院》(The Graduate Business School)。




    六十年后,许多事情发生了改变。首先,在德鲁克的文章中只字未提女性,而通用汽车(GE)的管理者们也只是说“来自哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的那些聪明的小伙子们”。但如今,在哈佛商学院2015届学生中,女性比例占到41%。过去几年,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School)的女性学生比例也一直保持在40%以上。

    此外,如今MBA学生比20世纪50年代的学生更年长。德鲁克写道,当时,“研究生通常直接来自大学。就算他们有工作经验,也只不过是在夏令营当过顾问;或者卖过订阅的《周六晚邮报》(Saturday Evening Post)。他们从未像成年人一样在成年人的世界里生活过,也从未独立过,总之他们缺乏商业经验。”德鲁克对此并不满意。

    六十年后,大多数商业课程都牢记他的观点,现在都要求学生有几年(三至五年)工作经验。福尔德基金(Forte Foundation)的执行董事爱丽莎•埃利斯-桑斯特说:“公司开始提出工作经验方面的要求。有工作经验会让他们更加成熟。”福尔德基金与各大商学院和公司合作,以提高商业职业中的女性比例。





    But the fundamental perception is still there and may worsen as opportunities open up for people to learn skills outside of formal university settings. "If you want to do well in business, there are things that are super-valuable to know," says Josh Kaufman, author of The Personal MBA, a book that explains the major concepts taught in business schools. "But you don't have to sit in a classroom learning them." When Kaufman was doing research for his book, he talked to numerous people who were attending and had attended MBA programs, and many of them said, "'You're going to get a particular name on your diploma that means something to some people.'"

    An elite MBA can be great for networking. But there are other ways to network, too.

    People also still debate whether MBA programs cover the business skills society needs. Drucker noted that "the American economy needs above all the well-trained entrepreneur. The more our economy becomes a big-business economy, the more does it need the entrepreneurial mind. It needs a steady supply of new businesses to prevent freezing. It needs people who prefer running a small business to an executive job in a big company; for tomorrow's big business can only come out of today's small businesses."

    Even big businesses needed people inclined toward taking risks in order to prevent large corporations from turning "arteriosclerotic." And many business students are interested in running their own companies. Ellis-Sangster says that many of the students she speaks with are interested in starting a business of their own. "It's very attractive to them to build and be in control of their own destiny and create something that's their own."

    But even if MBA programs do teach entrepreneurship, their structure may work against its practice. Tuition and living expenses run well into the six figures at top programs. If students take out loans, "that's a big barrier to stopping doing what you're doing and starting doing something different," says Kaufman.

    To be sure, there are still good reasons to get an MBA. The major consulting firms of the world, for instance, hire disproportionately from the top business schools. And a degree remains a way to get a leg up at many companies. As Kaufman says, "If you're already working for a company, and they're willing to pay for it, and there are going to be barriers to promotion in the company if you don't have it, then let the company pay for the signal."

    But as the cost rises, companies themselves may question the idea of paying to send talent away for two years or reconsider what is gained by pushing talent to leave the fold at all. Ellis-Sangster says that some investment banks are no longer telling people that "after two, three years, there's no future here unless you get an MBA."

    "Employers have just gotten a lot smarter in how they engage their employees," she says. "They've become very sophisticated in their training and leadership development, and are bringing in faculty to teach courses at their institution."

    The result? Employees are "not getting the experience they would get in business school" -- that is, the social and networking benefits -- "but are getting the academic training they might get." 


    尽管如此,对MBA学位最基本的看法并没有发生改变,而且,随着人们在正规学校之外学习技能的机会越来越多,人们对MBA的看法会变得越来越糟糕。《在家就能读MBA》(The Personal MBA)一书的作者乔希•考夫曼认为:“如果想在商界中获得良好的发展,确实需要掌握许多宝贵的技能。但并不一定非要坐到教室里去学习这些技能。”考夫曼在书中解释了商学院教授的主要概念。考夫曼在为自己的书做调查时曾采访过许多正在学习和曾经学习过MBA课程的人士,他们许多人都表示:“(去学校读MBA)会获得一张写着自己名字的文凭,有些人对此的确很看重。”













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