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游戏主机大战:微软Xbox One必胜的五个理由

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It's about power

    Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) has been battling against Sony (SNE) and Nintendo(NTDOF) for gamers' attention since the original Xbox launched in 2001. The software giant-turned-console-manufacturer evolved from underdog to major player with the Xbox 360 in 2005. Microsoft has sold over 77 million Xbox 360s globally since launch, which is neck-and-neck with Sony's 77 million PlayStation 3s sold to date. (Nintendo is in the lead for current generation console sales with over 100 million Wiis sold worldwide.)

    Microsoft has a lot of work to do in the court of gamers' opinions when it comes to the Xbox One, which launches in November for $500. The company has flip-flopped with its controversial features that would have limited used game playback, eliminated game rentals and prevented gamers from playing games offline. There's still plenty of time to win over gamers and the more mainstream consumers that Microsoft courted at its Xbox One reveal with its focus on the new entertainment features the next generation console opens up. Here are five reasons Microsoft will win the console war.


    自2001年发布首款Xbox设备以来,微软(Microsoft,《财富》500强(Fortune 500))一直在为争夺游戏玩家而与索尼(Sony)和任天堂(Nintendo)展开激烈竞争。2005年,Xbox 360的发布使这家以软件起家的游戏主机制造商从不被市场看好变成如今的主要市场参与者之一。自产品发布以来,微软在全球已售出超过7,700万台Xbox 360,与索尼PlayStation 3至今的销量(7,700万台)基本持平。【在当前一代游戏主机销量中,任天堂(Nintendo)独占鳌头,在全球共售出超过1亿台Wii。】

    而对于即将在11月上市的Xbox One(售价500美元),按照游戏玩家的观点,微软还有许多工作要做。对于限制二手游戏、取消游戏租赁和阻止玩家离线玩游戏等颇具争议的功能,公司突然改变了态度。微软还有足够的时间来赢得游戏玩家和更多主流消费者的“芳心”。微软在Xbox One发布会上重点介绍了下一代游戏主机所具备的新娱乐功能,以此来吸引主流消费者。下面是微软必将在游戏主机大战中获胜的五条理由:


    This first-person shooter from Bungie has sold over 50 million copies worldwide. The transition to developer 343 Industries has been smooth with Halo 4 (shown above) selling $300 million worth of games in one week last year. Microsoft has its first Xbox One Halo game coming in 2014 and Steven Spielberg is developing a live action Halo TV series for Xbox Live based on the sci-fi franchise. This is the type of "killer app" that both hardcore and more mainstream gamers will invest in a new console for.


    这款来自美国著名电子游戏软件制作室Bungie的第一人称射击游戏在全球已经售出超过5,000万份。后来向游戏开发工作室343 Industries的过渡也非常顺利,去年《光晕4》(Halo 4)(见上图)在一周内的销售额就达到了3亿美元。微软将在2014年推出Xbox One版的《光晕》游戏,而史蒂夫•斯皮尔伯格将根据科幻小说,为Xbox Live拍摄一部《光晕》电视剧。这款游戏就是所谓的“杀手级应用”,不仅Xbox的死忠粉丝,就连主流玩家也会愿意掏钱购买一台新主机。


    Microsoft has sold over 25 million Kinects as an add-on for the Xbox 360, ushering in "controller-less" engagement with games. Kinect 2 will come packed inside every Xbox One (hence the extra $100 price point over the PS4, which will sell its PS4 Camera separately for $60). This bundle is important as publishers and developers will be more apt to support the device, something that has been lacking on the 360. Microsoft also has big plans for the entertainment functionality of the new and improved Kinect, which can recognize and track multiple family members' faces and expressions and even gauge your heart rate.


    Kinect作为Xbox 360的一款扩展设备共售出了2,500多万台,引领了“无控制器”进行游戏的潮流。Kinect 2将内置在Xbox One主机当中(因此,它的定价比PS4高出100美元,PS4摄像头单独购买的价格为60美元)。这种捆绑销售非常重要,因为这样一来,发行商和开发商便会更容易支持设备,而Xbox 360在这方面一直比较欠缺。此外,对于新款Kinect的娱乐功能,微软也有宏大的计划。新Kinect将能够跟踪、识别多位家庭成员的面部和表情,甚至可以监测心率。


    Respawn swept the prestigious Game Critics Best of E3 Awards this year, emerging as Best of Show in a crowded field. Microsoft has an exclusive window for this new sci-fi shooter to appear on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows PC first when it launches in 2014. The developer behind the Call of Duty franchise is offering a multiplayer experience that features 24-foot-tall Titans and elite and agile human pilots battling across a sci-fi setting that features huge interactive action set pieces. Hardcore gamers who can't wait for this title could make the leap to Xbox One to experience the next gen experience.


    游戏公司Respawn横扫今年的E3游戏评论家大奖(Game Critics Best of E3 Awards),击败众多竞争对手,将“最佳游戏”奖收入囊中。微软为这款最新科幻射击游戏开设了一个专门窗口。这款游戏将于2014年发布,届时将率先登陆Xbox One、Xbox 360和Windows电脑系统。《使命召唤》游戏(Call of Duty)的制作团队在新游戏中将带来多人游戏体验。在游戏中,24英尺高的泰坦巨人和灵活敏捷的人类精英飞行员将在一个科幻场景中进行战斗,其中包括许多人机交互动作设置。迫不及待的游戏迷们肯定会愿意购买一台Xbox One,体验新世代游戏的精彩。


    Over 17 million gamers have downloaded SmartGlass for Xbox 360 and a common trend across all publishers at E3 this year was developing second screen experiences for both the 360 and Xbox One. Microsoft is integrating this technology, which works with almost any tablet or smartphone, into both its entertainment experiences and games. Capcom's Xbox One exclusive Dead Rising 3online zombie game allows players to call in an artillery strike using Smartglass, while Ubisoft'sAssassin's Creed IV: Black Flag uses the technology to unlock maps that can be used to find new treasures in the game world. The future looks bright for this technology, which gives friends who are watching the game something to do.


    超过1,700万玩家为Xbox 360下载了SmartGlass应用。在今年的E3大会上,所有发行商有一个普遍的趋势,就是为Xbox 360和Xbox One开发第二屏体验。微软正在将这项项技术整合到娱乐体验和游戏当中,它适合几乎所有平板设备或智能手机。日本游戏公司Capcom为Xbox One独家设计的在线僵尸游戏《丧尸围城3》(Dead Rising 3)允许玩家通过SmartGlass召唤炮火支援。育碧(Ubisoft)出品的《刺客信条IV:黑旗》(Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag)则使用这项技术来解锁地图,可以用于在游戏世界中寻找新的宝藏。这项技术的未来看起来一片光明,以后玩家在玩游戏时,围观的朋友们也不会无所事事了。


    One reason Microsoft focused so heavily on the entertainment capabilities of the new Xbox One is because the game company is targeting the growing number of mainstream gamers that have been entering the space over the last decade. The Kinect 2 eliminates the need for a remote control, allowing consumers to simply say "What's on HBO?" to pull up a channel guide and choose a show like Game of Thrones. In tandem with SmartGlass, additional information on entertainment can be accessed and fans can sync with shows they stream off the growing number of Hollywood studios and TV networks that support Xbox Live Marketplace. Microsoft also will be offering original programming, seamless transition from games to movies, and support for Skype and other apps.


    微软之所以这么重视新款Xbox One的娱乐功能,原因之一是因为这家游戏公司将主流游戏玩家作为主要对象。过去十年,主流游戏玩家的人数在日益增加。Kinect 2消除了遥控器的必要性,消费者只需要说:“HBO上有什么节目?”,便可以调出频道指南选择节目,比如电视剧《权力游戏》(Game of Thrones)等。配合SmartGlass,用户还可以访问其他娱乐信息,随着支持Xbox在线商店(Xbox Live Marketplace)的好莱坞电影公司和电视网络越来越多,用户可以同步他们从这些网络中下载的节目。此外,微软还将提供原创节目,保证游戏与电影之间的无缝切换,同时还支持Skype和其他应用。

Maybe not...

    Don't agree? Check out 5 reasons the Playstation 4 will crush the competition.


    您不同意?不妨读一读《游戏主机大战:索尼PS 4稳赢的5大理由》。(财富中文网)




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