《财富》 | 2012-09-28 16:18

安吉拉•默克尔 德国总理 论及默克尔对全球经济的影响力,无论男女,恐怕无人能出其右。作为欧盟中最大经济体的总理,她是这个欧洲国家同盟实质上的领袖。今年秋天,她又开始尽力挽救希腊,避免它退出欧元区,以阻止可能发生的传染效应而导致的最糟结局:全球性的经济萧条。不过经济学家担心(默克尔也曾发出过警告),即便是德国,也无法完全控制欧元区的这次危机。尽管责任重大,但这位不爱张扬的领袖也有轻松活泼的一面。据一家德国日报报道,这位以前的化学家说她缓解压力的办法是“远足、烹饪和大笑”。她最喜欢的电影是《走出非洲》(Out of Africa)。 注:排名不分先后。 | Angela Merkel Chancellor, Germany There is likely no one, male or female, with more power over the global economy than Merkel. As the leader of the largest economy in the European Union, she is the de facto chief of the uneasy alliance of European countries. This fall she has been fighting to keep struggling Greece in the eurozone to prevent possible contagion should it fail, and avoid the worst-case outcome, global economic meltdown. But economists worry (and Merkel has warned) that even Germany does not have complete control over the eurozone drama. Despite the gravity of her job, the largely private leader is also said to have a lighter side. A German daily reported that the former chemist says her respites in times of trouble are, "hiking, cooking and laughing." Her favorite movie: "Out of Africa." Note:This list is not ordered. |

克里斯蒂娜•拉加德 国际货币基金组织总裁 就职的那一刻,拉加德就已在史书上留下了她的印记。她是国际货币基金组织(IMF)的第一位女总裁,在欧洲经济步履蹒跚之际接过了这杆大旗。2011年上任时,拮据的爱尔兰、希腊和葡萄牙对基金组织的欠款已达1,000亿美元。她的前任是声名狼藉的多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩,因为对酒店女服务员实施性侵害而被纽约警察局逮捕,并随后辞职。拉加德在这一职位上行使她的职权,无论如何衡量都对整个世界产生了巨大影响。国际货币基金组织被认为是世界的最终贷款人,而拉加德作为该组织的总裁,坚定不移地要让国际货币基金组织获得欧洲的领导地位,甚至对她的朋友安吉拉•默克尔也是如此。拉加德认为,欧元区的官员过于注重紧缩政策,她建议让困难国家能随时得到应急基金的帮助。 | Christine Lagarde Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Just by taking office Lagarde ensured her spot in the history books. Besides being the first woman to head the IMF, she took the reins as Europe teetered. When she came on in 2011, the fund had more than $100 billion in outstanding loans to cash-strapped Ireland, Greece and Portugal. She also replaced the infamous Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who resigned after the NYPD arrested him for sexually assaulting a hotel maid (charges were later dropped). Yet by any measure, Lagarde has had a big impact in her own right. Her tenure at the world's lender of last resort has been marked by an unflinching willingness to take on European leadership, including friend Angela Merkel. She has argued that eurozone officials have put too great an emphasis on austerity and recommended making emergency funds more readily available to struggling countries. |

迪尔玛•罗塞夫 巴西总统 巴西经济近年来呈爆炸式增长,不仅跃为世界最大的经济体之一,也成为各国垂涎的新兴市场。不过,该国的经济也开始出现一系列问题。面对增速减缓和通胀增加,罗塞夫出台了一系列政策,以降低企业的经营成本。人们认为她这些举措是向私人企业、而非联邦雇员做出了让步。鉴于罗塞夫的巴西工党领袖地位,以及她于20多岁时加入武装的共产主义组织并遭到独裁军政府逮捕和虐待的这段经历,她的这些举措让很多人感到惊讶。这次改革导致近几个月内有几十万政府职员罢工,他们要求提高工资和其他一系列优待政策。迄今为止,罗塞夫依然坚持推行改革,并赢得了70%以上的支持率。大多数民众都对她充满信心,认为她的政策能推动巴西经济的增长。 | Dilma Rousseff President, Brazil Brazil's growth has exploded in recent years, making it one of the world's largest economies as well as one of its most coveted markets. But the country's economic engine has sputtered. Now, facing slowing growth and rising inflation, Rousseff has rolled out a set of policies designed to bring down the cost of doing business, an effort viewed as a concession to private industry over federal employees. The moves have surprised many, given Rousseff's role as leader of Brazil's Workers' party and her personal history as a part of a militant communist group in her 20s, when she was arrested and tortured by the military dictatorship. As a result of the reforms, hundreds of thousands of government workers have staged walkouts in recent months, demanding higher pay among other concessions. So far Rousseff has held firm, and with an approval rating north of 70%, much of the population seems hopeful her approach will jump-start growth. |

索尼娅•甘地 印度国民大会党主席 索尼娅•甘地出生于意大利。身为政党主席的她放弃了竞选印度总理的机会,但在在这个拥有12亿人口的国家,她的力量并没有因此降低。尽管在最近的一起腐败案中遭到指控,她却因为印度最近的发展加分不少。她对印度总理曼莫汉•辛格经济改革提案的支持左右着它的命运。她的儿子拉胡尔•甘地有望在2014年成为辛格的继任者。 | Sonia Gandhi President of the Indian National Congress, India The Italian-born party chief turned down opportunities to nab India's prime minister spot, but that seemingly hasn't diminished her power in the 1.2 billion-person country. Despite recent allegations of corruption, she gets partial credit for India's recent growth, and her support could be critical to the fate of the proposed economic reforms of prime minister Manmohan Singh. Her son, Rahul Gandhi, appears primed to be Singh's successor in 2014. |

克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯•德基什内尔 阿根廷总统 世界第21大经济体的领袖费尔南德斯魅力十足。由于国力蒸蒸日上,她在去年的总统改选中轻松连任。不过近几个月来,她的光芒开始变得黯淡。国家的通胀率估计每年高达25%,而她在经济上管制过于严格,在今年也引发了大规模的抗议。最近的投票表明,72%的阿根廷人不满意政府管理经济的方式。 | Cristina Fernández de Kirchner President, Argentina Fernández is the charismatic chief of the world's 21st largest economy. Credited for a dramatic rise in prosperity that led to her easy reelection last year, her star has faded somewhat in recent months. Inflation in the country is estimated to be as high as 25% annually, and her tight controls over the economy have triggered widespread protests this year. A recent poll indicated 72% of Argentinians disapprove of their government's handing of the economy. |

海伦•克拉克 联合国开发计划署署长 海伦•克拉克曾连任三届新西兰总理。她在2009年成为联合国开发计划署(UNDP)的第一位女署长。联合国开发计划署52亿美元的预算中,有三分之一被用于消除贫困,致力于为贫困群体提供工作岗位。该组织称,接下来的工作重点是促进经济的稳定发展。除了建设稳固的民主制度,促进区域就业计划外,联合国开发计划署还报告称他们已经为1,600万人创造了工作岗位,其中17万人来自灾后重建地区。 | Helen Clark Administrator of the United Nations Development Program The former three-term prime minister of New Zealand became the first woman to lead the UNDP in 2009. About a third of the agency's $5.2 billion budget goes toward fighting poverty, with an emphasis on finding jobs for the underprivileged. That focus, in turn, promotes more reliable and robust economic growth, the organization says. Besides fostering stable democracies and promoting regional jobs programs, the UNDP reports that its job-creation work has directly led to employment for some 1.6 million people, 170,000 of those in regions recovering from disasters. |

南希•佩洛西 美国众议院少数党领袖 来自美国加州的议员佩洛西似乎并不适合列在这份名单上,因为她代表的只不过是加州第八区的选民。不过,在已经开启的财政危机的磋商中,佩洛西扮演了关键角色。据报道,在去年众议院发言人约翰•博纳与总统奥巴马举步维艰的债务上限谈判中,她是场上唯一的女性。当然还有医疗政策,这可是美国经济中极为可观的组成部分。佩洛西为促成奥巴马政府医改计划的通过发挥了关键作用。该计划的通过很可能成为美国经济史上的关键契机。 | Nancy Pelosi House minority leader, U.S. The congresswoman from California may not seem like a natural choice for this list, given that her job description is representing the Golden State's 8th district. But Pelosi is playing a key role in the unfolding negotiations about the looming fiscal cliff. According to reports, she was the only woman in the room during last year's ill-fated debt-ceiling negotiations between her counterpart House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama. And don't forget health care, which accounts for a huge chunk of the U.S. economy. Pelosi played a crucial role in getting Obamacare passed -- a potentially pivotal moment in the economic history of the U.S. |

玛丽•夏皮罗 美国证券交易委员会主席 夏皮罗堪称华尔街的头号警察,承担着预防下一次金融危机的重任。长期身为监管者的她在2009年接受这一职位时正值委员会的低谷期。委员会不仅让诈骗大王伯尼•麦道夫逍遥法外,也对一家家银行的破产束手无策。从那时起,夏皮罗便开始了针对高盛(Goldman Sachs)等一系列组织的调查,起诉了超过100家导致危机爆发的公司和个人,提高了对违法者的罚金金额。不过批评家认为,委员会依然有很长的路要走;他们还质疑为何只有极少的华尔街高官在金融危机之后遭到控告。面临巨大阻碍的夏皮罗于最近加强了对市值25,000亿美元的市场基金业的监管,但这一举措同样遭到了强烈反对。 | Mary Schapiro Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman, United States As Wall Street's top cop, Schapiro is charged with preventing the next financial crisis. The long-time regulator took the job in 2009, a low point for the agency, which had failed to bust Bernie Madoff or rein in banks during the run up to the crash. Since then, Schapiro has launched investigations against the likes of Goldman Sachs, sued more than 100 firms and individuals in the wake of the crisis, and pushed for higher fines for rule-breakers. But critics say the agency still has a long way to go, questioning why so few top Wall Street executives have been charged in the aftermath of the crisis. Schapiro faces big obstacles, and has met with intense opposition in her latest effort to increase regulations for the $2.5 trillion money market fund industry. |

玛格丽特•汉伯格 美国食品和药物管理局局长 汉伯格是世界最大经济体的“守门人”,她的职责是监控美国10%的进口商品。不仅如此,这位毕业于哈佛大学医学院(the Harvard Medical School)的局长每年还要管理价值超过10,000亿美元的产品。她支持在菜单上标明食物的卡路里量,以及在烟草制品上配上形象的警告标记。汉伯格于2009年受奥巴马的指派上任。在扩大管理局的职权范围时,她也偶尔引发过监管混乱。 | Margaret Hamburg FDA commissioner, U.S. Hamburg is the gatekeeper to the world's largest economy, responsible for monitoring 10% of all imports into the United States. As commissioner, the Harvard Medical School graduate is also in charge of regulating more than $1 trillion in products per year. A supporter of calorie counts on menus and graphic warning labels on tobacco products, the 2009 Obama appointee has at times tousled with the administration as she expands the agency's reach. |

刘延东 中国国务委员 关于刘延东的信息人们所知甚少。她是中国官职最高的女性,也是中国25名政治局委员中唯一的一位女性。部分观察人士称赞她是致力于促进中国与外界合作的改革家。 译者:严匡正 | Liu Yandong State Councilor, China Little is known about Liu Yandong, China's highest ranking female official and the only woman on its 25-person Politburo. Still, she has gained a reputation among some observers as a reformer who has pushed for greater cooperation with the outside world. |