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    我们在私营领域的金融行业很有竞争力。有的毕业生应聘到德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)、美林(Merrill Lynch)和高盛(Goldman Sachs),工作地点遍布国内外。一部分去了国有企业,还有少量进入政府部门和非盈利性组织。



    The Guanghua School of Management at Peking University in Beijing is one of China's most selective business schools. Its foundations were laid in 1985 when the university set up a department of economic management and a center of management science. Today Guanghua has 3,700 students and 110 full-time faculty, about two-thirds of whom have Ph.D.s from the U.S. or Europe. The dean of the school, Hongbin Cai (pronounced HONG-bin tsigh), has a Stanford Ph.D. and taught at UCLA. He recently sat down with Fortune's managing editor in Beijing. Here are excerpts from their conversation.

Dean Cai, why is the school so new?

    Chinese economic reforms started in 1978. Before that we were a central-planning economy, so there's no business -- and no business school!

Is an MBA from Guanghua the same as an MBA from a U.S. business school?

    They are very similar. Our MBA program is two years, and we typically require at least two years of work experience before you can participate in the program. We also have part-time MBA programs, executive MBAs, and a Ph.D. program. Our students come mostly from mainland China, but we have them from about 50 countries overall, including the U.S.

What kinds of jobs do they get?

    In the private sector we are strong in finance. They get jobs at Deutsche Bank (DB), Merrill Lynch, and Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500) here and abroad. Some go to work for state-owned enterprises. A small number go into government service or to nonprofit organizations.

Some have called your school the Harvard Business School of China. Is that a fair comparison?

    We try to learn from the best practices around the world. Harvard uses case studies, which we think is very important for business education. Over the past 10 years, we have sent more than 30 faculty members to participate in the Harvard Business School's case method development programs. They learn the case method, and they come back to develop cases on Chinese firms and then teach those cases in classrooms.


    我们和全球90个商学院达成了交流项目。我们也和美国一些顶级商学院结成了战略伙伴关系,比如我们和凯洛格商学院(the Kellogg School of Management)及沃顿商学院(Wharton)都有教授联合教研计划。


    过去30年里那种仅仅依托低成本竞争的“中国制造”模式没有考虑经济增长对环境和社会的冲击,不具有可持续性。所以国家现在正在从“中国制造”向“中国创造”转型。我认为,随着政府投入更多资源,提供更优惠的政策来鼓励创新,这个转变过程已经开始。我们现在谈话的地方处于中关村科技园区(Zhongguancun Science Park)的中心位置,这个园区就是鼓励自主创新的国家战略的一部分。去年我们也成立了创新创业中心(the Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship)。北大有很强的科学研究项目,学生通常也更加独立,所以我们可能培养的创业人才可能是中国最多的。我们还努力向最好的商学院学习。比如,斯坦福商学院(Stanford Business School)在教育创新和创业方面一直引领着潮流。我们正在和他们以及其它在这个领域领先的商学院探讨合作事宜。

Do you have relationships with schools outside China?

    We have exchange programs with more than 90 business schools around the world. We also have strategic partnerships with some top business schools in the U.S., such as joint research programs for our faculty members with the Kellogg School of Management and Wharton.

A big question right now about your economy is, Can China innovate? What do you think?

    The model of development in the past 30 years cannot continue forever, meaning "made in China" based on low cost and without regard to the environment or other social impacts of growth. So the country is moving from "made in China" to "invented in China." I think that is beginning to happen as the government has put more resources and has better policies in promoting innovation. Here, we're actually in the center of Zhongguancun Science Park, which is part of a national strategy to promote innovation. Last year we set up the Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This university has very good science programs, and the students tend to be more independent, so it has produced probably the most entrepreneurs in China. We also try to learn from the best practices. For example, Stanford Business School has been a pioneer in innovation and entrepreneurship in education. We've been talking about possible collaboration with them and with some other business schools very good in this area.



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