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Android 10正式发布,七大新功能全解析

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Google’s newest mobile operating system, Android 10, was released Wednesday afternoon. There are dozens of small tweaks in the update, and a quite a few major ones.

Here are the most important things to know about the operating system heading (eventually) to more than three quarters of the world’s smartphone users.

When and how can I update my phone to Android 10?

Android 10 is now available for Google’s own Pixel flagship phones, as well as on phones from a few other companies. If your Pixel doesn’t receive an update prompt automatically, run System Update under the System menu (the gear icon), to download Android 10's roughly 1GB update file.

The Essential Phone (a project of Android co-creator Andy Rubin) and the non-U.S. Xiaomi Redmi K20 also reportedly started receiving the update as early as yesterday.

Owners of other phone models will probably have to wait to download the Android 10 update, since most manufacturers take some time to prepare new Android releases for their devices. That often takes weeks or even months. Samsung Galaxy users, for instance, might not get Android 10 until 2020.

What’s in the Android 10 update?

There are dozens of changes in Android 10, from small tweaks to menu designs and back-end changes that users are unlikely to notice, to large changes to the way you’ll interact with your phone. The full details can be found in the Android 10 release notes, but these features are the most anticipated changes:

Dark Mode

Turn this on, and your phone will display white text against a black background, across most apps and menus. Dark mode improves battery life, and is more comfortable for some users. In previous Android versions, the operating system’s own menus and screens could be set to a dark theme, but there was no option for a system-wide dark mode that also affected apps. That will change with the Android 10's release.

Smart Reply

Previous flavors of Android had already suggested some automatically-generated replies to messages such as texts. But with Android 10's Smart Reply feature, the Google's operating system will also suggest contextual actions, like opening Maps when someone texts you an address.

Improved gesture controls

A new bar at the bottom of the screen on phones that have downloaded Android 10 will allow users to ‘swipe’ between recently-used apps, or to return to the home screen. But this is not to be confused with hands-free swiping, reportedly coming to Google’s Pixel 4.

Better privacy controls

In what might be the single biggest change to Google's mobile operating system, Android 10 places all app permissions in one place, making it immensely easier to control which applications can use your location data, read your calendar, or otherwise access data about you.

Given recent heightened attention to tech and privacy, this Android 10 feature is a badly-needed one.

New emoji

Everyone loves emoji; they might make our communication more efficient and precise. Google earlier this year announced 65 new emoji are coming with Android 10, including a stethoscope, an array of gender- and racially-inclusive couples, and, well, an otter.

Focus Mode

Android 10’s new Focus Mode will let users stop notifications for selected apps over a set amount of time. And if you do find yourself compulsively opening apps as a time-wasting distraction, the setting will even reportedly remind you that you’ve got better things to do.

Focus Mode arrives in Android 10 along with a few other ‘digital wellbeing’ tools, like ‘app timers’ that help you control the amount of time you to spend in an app each day.

Family Controls

Parents are increasingly concerned with keeping kids from overindulging in screen time. Android 10’s new “Family Link” allows parents to use their own phone to control screen time on their kids’ devices, monitor what apps are being used, and even see the location of their children’s phones.

In addition to the above features, Android 10's other updates include faster delivery of security fixes, support for more photo file types, and a Live Caption tool that lets users translate any audio into text. For more, check out Google’s own detailed rundown of all the new features in Android 10.

上周三下午,谷歌的最新移动操作系统Android 10正式发布。Android 10迎来了不少重大升级,小改动更是不计其数。

考虑到全球有四分之三以上的智能手机用户最终都会用上Android 10,现在就让我们看看,Android 10有哪些我们应该了解的重大改进。

我什么时候能升级到Android 10?

目前,谷歌自家的Pixel系列旗舰机型,以及部分其他品牌的手机已经开始推送Android 10了。如果你的Pixel手机没有收到自动推送,你可以在升统菜单里点击“系统升级”(也就是那个齿轮图标),手动下载Android 10更新包(大约1GB)。

据报道,从昨天起,Android创始人安迪·鲁宾的手机品牌Essential Phone,以及小米的红米K20也开始推送Android 10的更新包了。

其他型号手机的机主可能还得再等上一阵子,毕竟大多数手机厂商都会花时间对新系统针对自家手机进行优化,因此等上几周甚至几个月都是有可能的。比如三星Galaxy系列的用户,说不定2020年前都没法用上Android 10。

Android 10升级了哪些功能?

Android 10有几十项升级,既包括菜单设计和后台调整这种消费者不太注意的到的小变化,也有人机交互方式上的大变化。Android 10的全部调整可以在版本说明里找到,下面只说几点最令人期待的变化:


打开“黑暗模式”,大多数应用和菜单就会变成黑色背景,而文字则变成白色。黑暗模式可以延长电池寿命,而且一些用户使用起来也会觉得更舒适。在以前的几个Android版本中,用户也可以将菜单和屏幕设置成黑色主题,但对第三方APP是没有影响的。而Android 10则真正实现了覆盖全系统的黑暗模式。


以前的几个Android已经可以在短信息等应用里使用系统自成生成的快捷回复。不过有了Android 10的智能回复功能,系统会自动结合语境给出一些推荐操作。比如有人用短信发来一个地址时,系统会自动建议打开地图应用。


如果你下载了Android 10,你会发现,屏幕下方出现了新的一栏,你可以在这里滑动选择最近使用过的应用,或者回到主屏幕。不过这跟谷歌据说将在Pixel 4上使用的“隔空手势操作”并非一回事。


这可能是Android 10变化最大的地方了。Android 10把所有的应用权限放在了一个地方。这样一来,你就可以很容易地决定哪些应用可以使用你的地理位置信息、日历信息或者获取你的个人数据。

考虑到隐私问题最近受关注程度之高,Android 10的这一功能来得正及时。


人人都喜欢emoji表情,毕竟“一图胜千言”。今年早些时候,谷歌便宣称Android 10将携带65个全新的emoji表情,包括一个听诊器,一只水獭,以及各种性别和种族混搭的情侣表情等等。


Android 10的“专注模式”允许用户在一定时间内停止选定应用推送通知消息。如果你悲哀地发现,自己已经患上了“网瘾综合症”,该模式据说还会提醒你现在有更重要的事情去做。

除了“专注模式”,Android 10还提供了其他一些“数字健康工具”,比如“应用定时器”功能可以帮你控制每天耗费在某个应用上的时间。


现在的家长越来越关心孩子的网瘾问题。Android 10全新推出的“家庭链接”功能,使家长可以控制孩子使用的设备的亮屏时间,监控孩子们使用了哪些应用程序,甚至可以查看孩子手机的地理位置。

除了以上功能,Android 10还有不少其他的升级,比如可以更快地推送安全补丁,可以支持更多的照片文件类型等等。此外,Android 10还自带了一个Live Caption实时字幕工具,可以将任何音频文件转换成字幕。要想了解更多,可以点击此处查看Android 10的所有最新功能。(财富中文网)




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