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iOS 13将用AR“魔术”来弥补FaceTime最烦人的缺陷

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iOS 13 beta 3 was released to developer iPhones on last Tuesday, and with it came some welcome changes to Apple’s next operating system. Most notably, Apple’s new FaceTime Attention Correction feature was revealed, artificially changing where users appear to be looking during a video call. With the new setting enabled, users look like as if they are staring at the other person—or directly into the camera—instead of looking down at the phone’s screen.

Turning on FaceTime Attention Correction is easy in iOS 13 beta 3, with a simple toggle in the Settings section under FaceTime, notes one developer on Reddit. Switch it on, and those you call using Apple’s video chat software will see you as looking at them and not your device.

Some who have downloaded iOS 13 beta 3 for developers have started to dissect how it actually works. Dave Schukin, co-founder of Observant AI, says the software uses Apple’s augmented reality toolkit, or ARKit, to detect your face and then adjust the areas around one’s eyes. Putting something in front of a user’s face shows the software slightly bending the area around the eyes.

FaceTime’s new feature may not rely on being able to see a user’s pupils. Even if a user is wearing sunglasses, FaceTime Attention Correction still warps the image around where one’s eyes would be—as seen here.

Surprisingly, the software trick is only available on Apple’s latest handsets: the iPhone XS, XS Max and XR. iOS 13 beta 3 users on the iPhone X or other older devices are currently closed off from the feature. Even though iOS 13 is expected to support iPhone 6S, 6S Plus and later, the latest iOS 13 beta 3 is not available for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

FaceTime Attention Correction is one of many new features Apple is testing with the release of iOS 13, introduced to the world in June at their developer conference. Both developers and eager fans can access Apple’s public beta, offering goodies like iOS 13’s dark mode, new photo-sorting features and updates to Siri. Those interested in protecting their privacy can make use of the new software’s Sign In With Apple, block unknown callers and more granular location sharing limitations as well, all available in the public beta.

The even more exclusive developer beta, however, offers access to iOS 13 beta 3—which included the FaceTime Attention Correction. In addition, those with the developer beta can expect faster loading apps. The new beta also offers hints at a new way to potentially data from one iPhone to another via a cable, reports 9to5Mac. This, presumably, could be used as a migration tool, to transfer all of one’s iPhone data to another device.

But users interested in iOS 13 beta 3 should proceed with caution when installing the software. The update contains some bugs, some of which Apple discloses in its software release notes. If you can hold off on the FaceTime Attention Correction feature for just a couple more months, iOS 13 is expected to release later this year in the fall.

iOS 13 beta 3(即第三次公测)版本在上周二向iPhone软件开发者开放,其中包括一些受人欢迎的改动。最引人注意的就是苹果公司的FaceTime注意力纠正(Attention Correction)功能,它可以进行自动修正,从而让使用者在视频通话期间一直显示为正对摄像头。完成设置后,使用者看起来就像一直在注视着对方或者摄像头,而不是低头看手机屏幕。

一位开发者在Reddit上表示,该功能在iOS 13 beta 3版本中很容易开启,只需点击FaceTime设置栏中的一个开关按钮即可。将该按钮设为开启状态后,在FaceTime上跟你通话的人就会看到你一直在注视着他们,而不是低头看手机。一些已经下载该版本的用户正在仔细研究此项功能的实际效果。传感器智能研究公司Observant AI的联合创始人戴夫·舒金说,FaceTime使用了苹果的增强现实工具ARKit来扫描用户面部,然后对眼睛周围的区域进行调整。在用户面前放一件物体后就会发现,FaceTime让眼睛周围的区域变得稍微弯曲了一些。


让人意外的是,只有最新型号的iPhone,也就是iPhone XS、XS Max和XR能够使用此项功能,而在iPhone X等其他旧款iPhone上目前并未开放该功能。尽管iOS 13预计可以支持iPhone 6S、6S Plus及以后的型号,但iPhone 7和7 Plus用户现在还不能下载iOS 13 beta 3。

FaceTime注意力纠正是苹果在iOS 13中测试的诸多新功能之一。这个版本于今年6月在苹果开发者大会上发布。开发者和心急的粉丝都可参与公测,从而尝试新功能,比如黑暗主题模式(即全系统夜间模式)、照片整理以及对Siri的更新。对隐私保护感兴趣的用户还可以在公测中使用苹果一键登录Sign In With Apple,屏蔽未知来电并对位置共享做出更详细的限制。

在范围更小的开发者公测中,用户可以下载包括FaceTime注意力纠正功能的iOS 13 beta 3。同时,他们还会发现app加载速度更快了。苹果产品新闻网站9to5Mac报道,在iOS 13 beta 3中还可以看到iPhone手机之间有线传输数据的蛛丝马迹。这大概是苹果的手机克隆工具,可以把一部iPhone中的所有数据传输到另一部iPhone上。

但对iOS 13 beta 3感兴趣的用户在安装这个版本前要三思而后行,因为它有一些缺陷,其中一部分已经在苹果的软件发布通知中得到披露。有耐心的用户可以等到今年秋天就应该可以使用iOS 13正式版了。(财富中文网)





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