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Even rich people think wealth is elusive.

About 5% of Americans are millionaires. Most of them — about 95%, according to an estimate by WealthEngine — have between $1 million and $5 million.

And many think that’s just not enough.

“Many people believe that, along with tangible assets and services, having it all means having some wiggle room — money to cover a major splurge or setback, and more on top of that,” Norman Vanamee wrote in Town & Country magazine.

Vanamee consulted experts to estimate the “happiness number” for a hypothetical, wealthy, non-working couple in their 40s with two teenage kids in an expensive private school in New York City. They live in a parkside Fifth Avenue apartment, buy art, take private jets, donate to charity, and have a household staff — a chef, a driver, and a housekeeper — plus two vacation homes. They’re also setting aside $25 million for each child to inherit.

An analyst from US Trust cited in the Town & Country report estimated the hypothetical couple would need to have a net worth of $190 million to sustain this lifestyle.

Here are some of the costs considered in the estimate:

· Real estate: $18 million apartment on Fifth Avenue facing Central Park, $2 million for furniture and decor, $20 million for a weekend home in the Hamptons and a vacation spot in the Caribbean.

· Education: $1.7 million a child for a “no-expense-spared educational strategy,” which includes private school and tutors, music lessons, sports, trips abroad, and four-year Ivy League tuition.

· Philanthropy: $25,000 annually to sit on the board of a New York City museum, plus $15,000 a table at annual charity events.

· Staff: $190,000 annually for a driver, a chef, and a housekeeper.

· Art: $20 million to $100 million apiece in a seven- or eight-piece collection, or about $1 million annually.

· Health and beauty: $150,000 annually for wardrobe, grooming, trainers, and cosmetic procedures.

Other experts peg the happiness number at about $100 million.

Billionaires “view $100 million as the starting point for real money,” Richard Kirshenbaum, the New York Observer columnist who wrote the book “Isn’t That Rich? Life Among the 1%,” told Town & Country. “They call it a hundy. Like, ‘Oh, they made it, they have a hundy.'”

Kirshenbaum says the estimate isn’t his own but came from several billionaires he has interviewed. WeathEngine estimates that 0.09% of America’s millionaires are worth more than $100 million.

But Robert Frank, the wealth editor at CNBC who hosts the TV series “Secret Lives of the Super Rich,” said the number was “less relevant than how you earned it and what you’re doing with it.”

Still, having money doesn’t alleviate all anxieties — in fact, it often gives way to new worriesunique to those flush with cash.

“I still feel, to some extent, that I don’t have enough money,” Thomas Gallagher, a multimillionaire, told The New York Times. “Emotionally, I don’t come from money; I got very lucky on Wall Street. I’ve been dealing with a myriad of psychological issues since I retired. I have more money than I had ever imagined, but I still worry — do I have enough, if I live longer than I thought?”




作家诺曼·瓦纳米(Norman Vanamee)在《Town & Country》杂志上写道:“很多人认为,拥有这些财富,连同有形的资产和服务,意味着你可以有一定的资本(钱)去挥霍或承受挫折,除此之外还能享受到更多的东西。”


US Trust的分析师在《Town & Country》杂志的报道中估计,这对假想的夫妻需要1.9亿美元的净财富值来维持这种生活。


· 房产:第五大道面朝中央公园的公寓1800万美元,家具和内饰200万美元,汉普顿周末度假屋和加勒比度假屋共计2000万美元。

· 教育:按照这种不计成本的教育策略,每位孩子的花费需要170万美元,其中包括学校和课外辅导,音乐课,体育,国外旅行和4年的常青藤联盟高校学费。

· 慈善:成为纽约市博物馆理事会成员每年需捐赠2.5万美元,此外参加年度慈善活动还需要捐赠1.5万美元。

· 家庭员工:司机、厨师和管家每年需要19万美元的费用。

· 艺术:7-8副艺术品收藏需要花费2000万-1亿美元,或者每年100万美元

· 健康与美容:衣服、仪容、私教和化妆品每年花费15万美元。


《纽约观察家》专栏作者理查德·科什鲍姆对《Town & Country》杂志说,亿万富翁认为“1亿美元才算是有钱的起点,并将其称为‘hundy’。例如,‘哦,他们成功了,有了一亿美元。’”。理查德·科什鲍姆是《这还不算富有?最富有的1%人士的生活》一书的作者。




百万富翁托马斯·加勒赫(Thomas Gallaher)向《纽约时报》透露:“在某种程度上,我依然觉得自己并不是那么富有。在情感方面,我并不在乎钱,只是华尔街的一名超级幸运儿罢了。自退休以来,我一直在应对大量的心理问题。我从来没有想过能够拥有这么多财富,但我依然担心,如果我的寿命超出了自己的预期,这些钱够花吗?”(财富中文网)





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