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美国加州拉古纳尼格举办的《财富》最具影响力的商界女性峰会上,Full Picture公司的首席执行官德西蕾·格鲁伯发表讲话。图:Fortune

You may think business is all about the numbers, but experts say today, more than ever, it’s about “story.” And that makes storytelling a skill almost as critical in business as corporate accounting is these days.

In a world swimming in noise and content, it’s all the more crucial that brands and their messages resonate and stick in the minds of people, explained Desiree Gruber, founder and CEO of Full Picture, a brand management and production company.

Gruber, who is credited with creating Project Runway and orchestrating Michelle Obama’s very viral turn on Carpool Karaoke, is a master of buzz. But speaking at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit in Laguna Niguel, Calif. October 1st afternoon, she noted the business of creating it has gotten tougher.

Twenty-five years ago, she explained, the formula was a lot simpler: press release, a story in the New York Times Style section, and a segment on Jay Leno or the late night show du jour. Those outlets are still useful, she commented, but today, they’ll at most get you “a ripple.” Back then, they created a splash according to Gruber.

She added that companies today have to be focused not just on telling their stories on all relevant platforms, but “activating” customers and fans to tell their stories for them. She noted you need people who are “loyal and loud.”

Tamara Ingram, Worldwide CEO of the ad agency J. Walter Thompson, agreed that well-executed storytelling is essential for doing business in 2018, and that it’s harder than it used to be. She stressed the importance of a brand’s story being authentic and true to a brand’s deeply-rooted purpose.

The executives agreed that storytelling is also key for individuals in their careers. Gruber noted that while women are often hesitant to brag or tell their own stories, they miss out on opportunities when they don’t. She urges everyone to work past the “cloud of fear” that surrounds personal storytelling by practicing.


主营品牌管理并打造的Full Picture公司创始人兼首席执行官德西蕾·格鲁伯解释说,在噪音充斥和内容海量的世界,更重要的是让品牌和传递的讯息与大众产生共鸣,而且要让人们记住。

格鲁伯曾打造美国人气真人秀节目《天桥骄子》(Project Runway),还曾经策划了红极一时的美国前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马拼车卡拉OK宣传活动。10月1日下午在加州拉古纳尼格召开的《财富》最具影响力的商界女性峰会上,格鲁伯表示开创企业品牌越发困难。



广告公司J. Walter Thompson的全球首席执行官塔玛拉·英格拉姆也认为,当今商界,经营企业的关键就是把故事讲圆满,这比过去难度更大。她强调,品牌故事要真实,而且要符合品牌内在的宗旨,这点很重要。






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