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专利申请文件显示,苹果正在研发一种智能挡风玻璃,将运用增强现实技术在挡风玻璃上接打FaceTime电话。2017年苹果全球开发者大会上,主管软件工程的苹果公司高级副总克雷格·费德里吉登台介绍车载娱乐系统CarPlay。JOSH EDELSON AFP/Getty Images

Apple tends to be tightlipped about its research and development efforts, especially when it comes to car technology. But a patent filed by the company this month gives a glimpse into an intriguing product it may offer in the future: a smart windshield.

According to Patently Apple, a blog that scours the latest patents filed by the Cupertino giant, Apple filed a patent last week in Europe for an augmented-reality powered windshield system, which it termed a Heads-Up Display.

While innovations detailed in corporate patents often don’t see the light of day, some of the ideas that Apple is exploring are interesting. Notably, its AR windshield may allow passengers in different vehicles to conduct FaceTime calls with each other.

“In some embodiments, an augmented reality display system included in a vehicle enables visual communication between an occupant of the vehicle and a remotely located user, including an occupant of a separate vehicle,” Apple’s patent said.

Another feature could use internal sensors to detect stress in drivers and passengers by monitoring eye motion, heart rate, body posture, etc. The AR windshield would then automatically adjust its display to potentially reduce stress, although it’s not clear from the patent how the display would accomplish this.

Last month, Apple filed another patent for “personal comfort profiles” of passengers and autonomous vehicles. Apple’s technology would navigate an autonomous car in different ways, according to a passenger’s profile. The AR windshield might rely on similar technology, Patently Apple said.

Apple’s smart windshield may also use external sensors to detect the current speed as well as the posted speed limit, displaying both on the windshield.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has said little about the company’s plans to create technology for cars, including autonomous vehicles. The company has reportedly backed away from plans for an Apple car, providing instead technology that would power autonomous vehicles. Last year Cook acknowledged that Apple is working on car technology, but did not rule out building its own car.

Apple was initially reportedly aiming to release its own electric car by 2020, but a more recent report claims that the launch date has been pushed into 2021.


据搜寻苹果最新专利申请信息的博客Patently Apple透露,上周苹果在欧洲为一款增强现实(AR)技术支持的挡风玻璃系统申请了专利,名为“抬头显示器”(Heads-Up Display)。




今年7月,苹果申请了另一项专利,涉及乘客和自动驾驶汽车的“个人行车舒适偏好”(personal comfort profiles)。苹果将根据乘客的偏好概况,通过各种方式指挥自动驾驶汽车。Patently Apple认为,AR挡风玻璃可能也会应用类似的技术。









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