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他并没有“所有”问题的答案。摄影师:Ezra Shaw 。图片来源:Getty Images 

LOS ANGELES, Calif. — As the world froths from the mouth over the boundless potential of AI, one man is frankly tired of it.

Allen Iverson, former guard for fourteen seasons in the NBA, would like to clarify he will not be at the forefront of blockchain technology, content moderation techniques, or supply chain management.

“It is becoming impossible for me to read the daily technology trades without seeing a reference to AI. Everyone says AI is the answer, which is true. I am the Answer,” said Iverson in a press conference addressing national media.

“However,” Iverson continued, “I am worried I am being promised as the Answer to questions I haven’t dared to ask.”

The famous basketball player is at his wit’s end as he is conflated with Artificial Intelligence on a nearly daily basis. Most recently, Google has promised that AI will now power a new Smart Reply feature for Gmail users.

“Also, why can’t people write their own emails? Isn’t that what makes us human?” Iverson asked the press corps.

Iverson listed off a number of solutions he’d been unwittingly signed up for, without his consent. Though it is the most recent example, Google is not the only guilty party. In a testimony to Congress, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised AI would be the long-term solution to growing content moderation problems on the Facebook network.

“I understand there are some similarities between defense on a basketball court and developing a strategy to curtail the presence of bad actors on the world’s largest social media platform. But Mark did not ask before volunteering me for this very important job. If he did ask, he would know I’m retired.”

“Perhaps for everyone’s sake, we can clearly delineate when we are referring to Artificial Intelligence, or me, Allen Iverson. It would spare me from intense moments of grief and exasperation. I’d love to be the Answer when I can, and I understand there are times where it is the other AI,” said Iverson. “If it helps, I also go by Bubba Chuck.”







艾弗森还列出了许多解决方案。在没有获得他的同意的情况下,他被变成了这些解决方案的“代言人”,而他自己却并不知情。谷歌是最近的例子,但“有罪方”不止谷歌一家公司。Facebook CEO马克·扎克伯格在国会作证时承诺,对于Facebook网络上日益增多的内容审核问题,AI将是长期的解决方案。


艾弗森说道:“为所有人着想,或许我们可以分清楚什么时候指的是人工智能,什么时候指的是我,阿伦·艾弗森。这样可以让我避免那些悲伤和愤怒的紧张时刻。在我力所能及的时候,我很愿意成为答案,但我知道有些时候,人们指的是另外一个AI。如果对大家有帮助的话,我也可以叫另外一个绰号‘Bubba Chuck’。”(财富中文网)




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