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Omada Health pulled off something that was, especially at the time, highly unusual in the ever-burgeoning yet still-fledgling digital health space: In 2016, the company scored federal government reimbursements for its diabetes prevention program. It’s continued to grow since then and shared results from nine different peer-reviewed studies noting significant results for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesitypatients—a case study in how at least one company in the sphere is using data to try and fuel real world patient outcomes.

“It’s not about the data itself, it’s how you use it,” Omada co-founder and CEO Sean Duffy told Fortune in an interview earlier this year, echoing many of the chief executives and industry observers we spoke with for our recent feature on big data and AI in medicine. “The types of data that are going to be most useful going forward is the ‘in between’ data—what happens between actual health care visits,” he adds.

That mindset appears to inform the heart Omada’s approach to diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention. Users get tools such as a digitally-connected scale and access to health coaches who provide them personalized advice and check in on health biometrics like weight, diet, and exercise regimens, at times simply sending friendly reminders of goals and motivations. Day-to-day behavior is a critical part of making such a program effective, Omada says, making the aforementioned “in between” data collection particularly important. For instance, even seemingly basic information like whether or not a user has checked in on their weight can be significant, according to Omada senior vice president of product, Mike Tadlock.

“Stepping on the scale is actually very important to the health outcome, as we learned,” Tadlock tells Fortune. Over the long term, Omada’s data indicated that people who more regularly checked the scales were actually more likely to lose weight or improve other outcomes compared with less frequent users—a little bit of a surprise since some might think that a more casual and relaxed approach would be more likely to gently nudge users.

在仍处于襁褓阶段但却蓬勃增长的数字医疗领域,有一家名叫Omada Health的公司取得了极不寻常的成就。2016年,该公司的糖尿病防治项目获得了美国联邦政府的大笔拨款。自此以后,该公司还在继续保持增长,而且有9份业内的研究结果都证实了它对糖尿病、心血管疾病和肥胖症的积极疗效。该公司的案例也表明,大数据对推动医疗领域的进步是有现实意义的。




Omada糖尿病防治项目的互动式应用设计。来源:Courtesy of Omada Health

Omada’s business model is in large part tailored toward employer health programs. But the firm is also willing to put its money where its mouth is: It’s an early adopter of the “outcomes-based” pricing movement in digital health, with revenues based on the extent of results. And that’s yet another reason that its focus on data plays such a central role in the company. “It’s hard to bill on outcomes without the actual data,” says Duffy.


