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I am no psychologist, but through my roles in change management, I can tell you “change” is among peoples’ absolute least favorite words. I often get a facial read that resembles what I imagine someone to look like if I told them I just declawed their kitten without anesthesia. SO PAINFUL. SO WRONG. DON’T DO IT – NOT TO ME.

It is so unfortunate because change is home to inspiration and progress and it is simply the biggest engine of growth. Have you seen a company in a (relatively) free market that hasn’t changed its products, services, pricing, experience or strategy that has been wildly successful? If so, they will have a heck of a time when their patent expires.

When thinking about change I have wondered why some people embrace it and others loathe it. Reflecting on my own life, I have learned a few things about myself during my career and two of those things are 1) that I think about the future a lot more than I think about the past or present; and 2) that I always think things can be better. These are great for someone in a change management role, but not so good when things should not be touched.

In the vein of CliftonStrengthsTM, I am going to work on playing to my strengths and keep looking for things that need to and should change, but I also want more people in my boat. If you are a change-maker or are supposed to be or want to be, here are 5 considerations for launching change in your workplace:

1. Don’t be afraid of being unpopular.

Yup, it’s just like it sounds. Status quo is like a warm blanket that you are ripping off. That won’t make you many friends- at first. When I arrived in China a little over 5 years ago, I was all business. Our company had just emerged from some unflattering PR and wasn’t making money, so we had to make some swift and somewhat painful changes to professionalize our business. I was focused on understanding the finances, the people, the market and how we operated. I didn’t get to know people personally, nor did I let people get to know me. My stoic approach earned me the nickname “Ice Queen”. A year into the job, however, I heard that name less and less as the changes took hold, the culture began to improve and the results lifted rapidly. No matter who is in the room or what the occasion, I believe it is important to say what you believe will add value to the business, customers or employees, regardless of how popular or unpopular.

2. Have a plan and be able to articulate it.

Your vision can’t only be in your head if you need others to help you execute. Change requires a plan to get from here to there. You need a road map and an idea of what the destination has to hold and why that’s where we want to go. As hard as that is for the head of the company or the leadership team, sometimes what’s even tougher is being able to explain it in a timely manner to get others rallied. Our company has gone through two big changes in the recent past. One where there are multiple people in charge of the vision or plan, which has stalled any changes and has created confusion; the other where one decision maker is having trouble expressing their vision but wants to rally people. If you’ve heard the expression “Time kills all deals”, it’s so true. And change management is essentially a deal between you and those whose actions or roles you plan to impact. People can wait only so long to know what you care about, why and what role they play. Take the time to write a solid communication plan with timelines and specifics on staff impact as soon as you have a clear vision and you know how you want to share it.

3. Be flexible.

You can have a plan, but be open to new information or unexpected responses to some changes. Change can’t be rigid; by nature, it is dynamic. Yes, you need to put a lot of thought into a plan and communicate it…then you need to be willing to change it. When we adjusted the structure of my organization five years ago we had a specific structure in mind, but when it came time to roll it out, at the first level of management we realized that the dynamic in our schools wouldn’t work with the original plan, no matter how good it was on paper. Further, once we started asking people to assume new roles, often times people would come back with more insights on their real passions and roles they’ve been dreaming of and this was their chance to speak up. I believe strongly that people should be in jobs that interest them for which their skills are a good fit and where the company has a need. When you get that Venn Diagram overlay, at the heart rests passion, which is something you can’t buy. So, we made several small adjustments to the final plan, but they continued to support the overall vision. We would have lost too many good people and good ideas if we weren’t flexible.

4. Don’t change unless you know you are doing something better for your customers, employees and company.

This is one insight I learned the hard way. I used to always prioritize company over all else and that was often great for the company in the short team, but not so good in the long-term for anyone. Recently we launched a new program designed to allow more time for our service consultants to spend with our customer and to automate many administrative tasks. By focusing on our staff and customer first we ended up redesigning the career path for our service consultants and have dramatically improved retention which is fantastic for a service organization like ours. When planning a big change it may be helpful to ask yourself who wins, who loses and who is neutral. If anyone loses, think twice.

5. Don’t decide everything in a vacuum.

Solicit input on your plans and where others have expertise or creativity greater than yours in specifics areas to improve your outcomes and build trust and credibility in those plans. It’s also so much more fun to design the future with people you love to work with. I have had bosses who solicit input to make their own decisions, bosses who solicit input to make decisions by consensus and bosses who don’t solicit input at all. In my experience the bosses who solicit input always gain more buy-in. And surprisingly, those who solicit input, but who make their own decision tend to be the most respected and successful in my experience. As leaders we can’t think of or know everything. Make sure you get perspective, while building trust and credibility- especially if you are new to a role.

When it comes to change, try to enjoy the ride while you build a road toward the future. Successful change is always better received in the end than no change at all. You can take solace in that truth. Nobody ever says, “I wish we were still using a dial up modem or fax machine to run our business”.





1. 别担心不受欢迎


2. 制定方案,清楚表达


3. 保持灵活


4. 除非所做的改变对客户、员工和公司都有利,否则不要改变


5. 做决定时不要脱离现实



注:Annabelle Vultee是英孚教育英语培训中心首席运营官。 



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