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A lot goes on behind the scenes every time you “like” your friend’s baby photos or

search for recipes. Thousands of powerful computers retrieve and update the information on your screen.

Although important, the windowless, football-field-size buildings that house those computers aren’t exactly exciting. But a number of companies have built data centers in unusual locations, giving them a touch of mystique.

In Sweden, for example, Facebook constructed a data center that uses chilly Arctic wind to prevent the computer servers inside from overheating. Meanwhile, Microsoft is researching how to build underwater data centers that would require less energy to cool.

Whatever the case, companies carefully consider where to open data centers, keeping in mind security, cost, and proximity to their users. Here are some of the most atypical data centers and a couple of out-there ideas for future facilities.

Ice fishing in the winter

Google’s data center in Hamina, Finland, was originally a paper mill built in the 1950s. Its location directly on the Gulf of Finland makes it easy to pump in ice-cold seawater to help cool the thousands of servers inside.

Swiss Fort Knox

Switzerland-based SIAG Secure Infostore operates two data centers under the Swiss Alps. These former military bunkers, referred to as the Swiss Fort Knox, protect digital data instead of gold bullion.

A data center with a view

The world’s tallest data center, all 32 stories of it, isn’t the prettiest tower on New York City’s skyline. So its owner, Sabey Data Center Properties, is giving the former Verizon Building a face-lift, including new glass walls to make it more attractive.

Data yacht

Startup Nautilus Data Technologies is trying to develop a floating data center on a barge that it believes would save companies money on their energy bills by providing easy access to seawater. It hopes to have a version of its experimental design operating at the Port of Stockton, in California, by early 2018.

10,000 leagues under the sea

One futuristic way to chill a data center with seawater is to build the facility in the ocean itself. In 2015, Microsoft came up with a prototype of a portable mini data center that it submerged 30 feet off the California coast for more than 100 days.

Northern lights

Facebook built a data center in Lulea, Sweden, just 70 miles from the Arctic Circle. The usually freezing air outside is used to help cool the massive facility.








瑞士数据安全管理解决方案提供商SIAG Secure Infostore在瑞士境内、阿尔卑斯山脚下经营着两个数据中心。它们以前是防御工事,被称为瑞士的诺克斯堡,但它们保护的是数据,而非金条。


这个世界上最高的数据中心共32层,它并非纽约天际线中最漂亮的一幢楼宇。因此,该数据中心的所有者Sabey Data Center Properties翻新了这栋原来叫做Verizon Building的大厦,其中包括装上新的玻璃幕墙,以便让它变得更有吸引力。


初创公司Nautilus Data Technologies正在尝试把驳船开发成水上数据中心。该公司相信这可以为企业节省能耗支出,因为在船上海水唾手可得。Nautilus希望到2018年初自己的试验型水上数据中心能在加州斯托克顿港投入运营。









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