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The Entrepreneur Insiders network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in America’s startup scene contribute answers to timely questions about entrepreneurship and careers. Today’s answer to the question “What are some tips for maintaining a successful startup?” is written by Andy Lark, CMO of Xero.

Startups are funny things. No sooner than you’ve launched, you realize you are managing a real business.

Founders need to think about fundraising, boards of advisors, pitch decks, roadshows, and their ability to scale. They need to figure out how to build a global company and how best to pitch a group of potential investors.

For the many startup founders that I talk to every year, maintaining success distills down to three simple things:

Never forget the fundamentals

Most operations go out of business because they don’t have enough customers or money—normally at the same time. So invoice as soon as you can, preferably before you start or finish the job. Make invoicing and collections a daily ritual.

Never assume that the bigger a client is, the faster they’ll pay. Normally it’s the opposite. Be extremely clear on payment terms and consider reducing them where possible. If your terms of trade are 90 days, squeeze that down to 60. It’ll help to boost your cash flow.

The list of fundamentals is a long one. You’d be amazed the number of businesses I go into that fail to get key contracts in place before starting jobs, or fail to sign on a bookkeeper or accountant at the beginning. Your chances of success increase exponentially when you do.

Focus or fail

You’re either all in on a very specific task or you’re all over the place.

With success comes opportunity. And with opportunity comes distractions. Business coach and Hindu leader Dandapani explains that where your attention goes, your energy goes. In the early days of a new venture, we allocate a lot of energy to it. As success lands, we expand our focus and our energy goes with it.

Xero founder Rod Drury is often asked if he’d like to invest in up-and-coming startups, mentor, or sit on boards. More often than not, his response is, “Sorry, I’m all in on Xero.” He’s built a business from a few customers at the bottom of the world to a global enterprise worth billions of dollars, servicing more than 600,000 subscribers. You’re either all in or all over the place.

Energy and a passion to win are half the battle

When business owners are energized about their companies, they create a sense of hustle. They are passionate about the product, the customer, and especially the people.

I once met with the owner of a major coffee roaster, and he spent the first 20 minutes telling me all about his amazing baristas—how innovative and creative they were, about the amazing experiences they were creating for customers, and how he was flying them all over the world to compete in coffee-making competitions.

It wasn’t just that he was creating a fun work environment. He was making the fun infectious. His passion for energizing his people around the customer was resulting in a product and customer experience that is simply unrivaled in the industry.

So, you want to maintain your startup’s success? Simple: Never forget the fundamentals. Focus—go all in to avoid being all over the place. And make it fun. Combined, that means lots more than lip service. It means igniting the passion of every employee. Fail to do any of these three and you will be a startup of one employee pretty quickly. Fail at all three at once, and you’ll be starting again.

企业家内部网络是美国的一个在线社区,美国创业界最睿智、最有影响力的一些大咖会在这里及时回答与创业和职业有关的问题。今天的问题是:“如何令一家创业公司保持成功?”回答问题的是 Xero公司的营销总监安迪•拉克尔。










经常会有人问 Xero公司的创始人罗德•特鲁里,问他是否愿意向一些即将成立的初创公司投资,或是为其提供指导,或者加入他们的董事会。他的回答经常是:“对不起,我把所有精力都投入到Xero上了。”他刚刚创立Xero的时候,公司只有一些名不见经传的小客户。如今,Xero已经成为一家全球性企业,坐拥数十亿美元市值,订阅用户超过60万名。所以说,你要么全心投入,要么就会彻底玩完。









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