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A comparison between the two vehicles is not exactly fair though.

This space race has a victor for now.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos just scored a major win in the current space race.

Blue Origin, the billionaire’s dark-horse rocket company, successfully launched and landed its reusable rocket on Monday.

The company’s New Shepard space vehicle (named in honor of the first American in space, Alan Shepard) soared to a height of 62 miles, separated into its component parts (a BE-3 rocket and crew capsule), and then touched down amid the desert landscape of its secretive facility in Van Horn, Texas.

Bezos said the rocket “flew a flawless mission” and that its reusability, which promises to lessen the cost of spaceflight, “is a game changer.” The chief exec posted his first tweet to inaugurate the event.

SpaceX, the rocket company founded by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, has yet to safely stick the landing for its reusable Falcon 9 spacecraft during operational runs. The company has succeeded, however, in recovering boosters for shorter, closer-to-Earth test flights, as Musk pointed out on Twitter.

A comparison between the two vehicles is not exactly fair though. Whereas Musk’s rocket shoots for an orbital altitude and travels at speeds around Mach 10, Bezos’s rocket reaches suborbital heights at Mach 3.7 velocity, notes the tech news site Engadget. The difference in momentum and elevation makes SpaceX’s task much more difficult.

A number of Musk’s missions have ended poorly this year. A recent SpaceX launch ended in disaster soon after takeoff when one of the company’s rocket exploded mid-flight, an incident that Musk described as “definitely a setback.” Earlier this year, another SpaceX rocket tipped over shortly after touching down on an ocean barge.

Despite their rivalry, Musk congratulated Bezos’s team on Twitter…

… while making sure to note that the two company’s distinct missions are not exactly comparable.

The team at Blue Origin seeks to develop spacecraft for commercial space tourism. Another spaceflight company with similar designs—Virgin Galactic, owned by British billionaire Richard Branson—suffered a blow when one of its test pilots died in a crash this year.


11月23日,这名亿万富翁麾下的蓝色起源公司(Blue Origin),顺利完成了其制造的可重复使用火箭的发射和着陆。该公司一直就堪称业界“黑马”。

为了纪念首位进入太空的美国人Alan Shepard,该公司特意将其太空飞船命名为“New Shepard”。当天,太空飞船顺利升至62英里(约100千米)的高空后分离为BE-3型火箭和太空舱,随后降落在蓝色起源公司设在德州范霍恩的神秘基地中。

贝佐斯称,New Shepard本次飞行“非常完美”,而且火箭可以重复利用,有望降低航天成本,这“将改变行业格局”。为了庆祝,贝佐斯还发表了自己的第一篇Twitter消息:“稀有神兽,一枚使用过的火箭。”(rarest of beasts, a used rocket.)





顾问公司Teal Group太空研究总监马克•卡普雷斯也表示,“马斯克第一次真正感到了竞争压力。贝索斯早已制定了发展轨道工具的计划。如果他能够让自己的技术变得更完美,就能够同马斯克一较高下。”




也许直接比较这两种飞船并不是很公平。科技新闻网站Engadget指出,SpaceX的火箭以进入卫星轨道为目标,飞行速度达到10马赫;New Shepard仅达到次轨道高度,速度也只有3.7马赫。速度和高度的差别让SpaceX的工作变得难得多。







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