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    Another fridge sighting. The famous soft drink has a long history of product placement; its been in movies like The Breakfast Club, The Gods Must be Crazy andE.T: The Extra-terrestrial.




    Microsoft Phone

    The First Lady and much of the staff in House of Cardsuses a Microsoft phone, even if no one else does. Microsoft has a deal with the NFL for coaching staffs to use Surface tablets on the sidelines, a sort of live product placement—but that doesn't stop announcerfrom calling them iPads.

    微软Windows Phone

    虽然微软公司的Windows Phone属于小众产品,但在《纸牌屋》中,第一夫人等很多剧中人物都在使用这款手机。微软还和美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)达成了协议,培训球队成员在场下使用Surface平板电脑,这也算是一种现场植入广告吧。但即便如此,解说员还是把微软的这款产品给叫成了iPad。



    Dell computers also make an appearance. The brand has appeared in previous seasons of House of Cards as well.





    Here's another tech product placement. Samsung recently appeared in the trailer for the new Avengersmovie, and of course it made sure its phone was used for the famous Oscar selfie last year.





    The granddaddy of them all. Apple is all about product placement. An entire episode of Modern Family wasrecently shot on Apple products—seriously.




    The only beer to appear during House of Cards are InBev brews—Shock Top, Budweiser and Stella Artois. InBev claims it didn't pay any money for this.


    《纸牌屋》中出现的啤酒品牌都属于英博,包括Shock Top、百威和时代。英博则表示,自己根本没花钱干这个。(财富中文网)


    审校: 李翔



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