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    1 Harvard Business School

    20-Year Income: $3,233,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $138,346

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Financial Services: 27%

    Consulting: 22%

    Technology: 18%

    Manufacturing: 7%

    Consumer Products: 6%

    Data courtesy of Payscale.

    1 哈佛商学院










    2 Stanford Graduate School of Business

    20-Year Income: $3,011,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $137,525

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Technology: 32%

    Financial Services: 26%

    Consulting: 19%

    Healthcare: 6%

    Non-Profit: 5%

    2 斯坦福商学院









    3 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

    20-Year Income: $2,989,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $141,243

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Financial Services: 39%

    Consulting: 29%

    Technology: 11%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 7%

    Healthcare: 4%

    3 宾夕法尼亚大学(沃顿商学院)









    4 UC-Berkeley (Haas)

    20-Year Income: $2,858,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $134,078

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Technology: 33%

    Consulting: 17%

    Financial Services: 11%

    Healthcare: 11%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 7%

    4 加州大学伯克利分校(哈斯商学院)









    5 Columbia Business School

    20-Year Income: $2,796,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $137,654

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Financial Services: 38%

    Consulting: 30%

    Technology: 12%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 8%

    Real Estate: 3%

    5 哥伦比亚大学商学院









    6 MIT (Sloan)

    20-Year Income: $2,858,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $137,057

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Consulting: 32%

    Technology: 19%

    Financial Services: 16%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 14%

    Healthcare: 5%

    6 麻省理工(斯隆商学院)









    7 University of Virginia (Darden)

    20-Year Income: $2,705,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $136,102

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Consulting: 27%

    Financial Services: 26%

    Technology: 14%

    Manufacturing: 12%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 13%

    7 弗吉尼亚大学(达顿商学院)









    8 Dartmouth College (Tuck)

    20-Year Income: 2,703,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $139,036

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Financial Services: 30%

    Consulting: 27%

    Technology: 13%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 10%

    Manufacturing: 6%

    8 达特茅斯学院(塔克商学院)









    9 New York University (Stern)

    20-Year Income: $2,639,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $131,975

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Financial Services: 42%

    Consulting: 23%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 13%

    Entertainment/Media/Technology: 10%

    Non-Profits: 6%

    9 纽约大学(斯特恩商学院)









    10 UCLA (Anderson)

    20-Year Income: $2,593,000

    2013 Starting Salary & Bonus: $123,353

    Top Five Industry Choices:

    Technology: 26%

    Financial Services: 20%

    Consulting: 14%

    Consumer Products & Retail: 14%

    Entertainment/Media/Technology: 9%

    Healhcare: 6%

    10 加州大学洛杉矶分校(安德森商学院)









    医疗保健:6% (财富中文网)




  1. 商学院教育界8大未来之星
  2. 出场费最贵的10大商学院教授
  3. 爱恨交织:商学院与排行榜的秘密