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    Altos Ventures, an 18 year-old Silicon Valley venture capital firm, has just finished raising a $60 million fund dedicated to South Korea-based startups, Fortune has learned. It is believed to be the largest Korea-focused fund ever raised by a U.S. venture firm,.

    “We’ve invested opportunistically in Korea for several years, but macro conditions have just gotten to a point where it made sense to do something on a dedicated basis,” explains Anthony Lee, an Altos Ventures partner. “There has been something like $60 billion in market cap created by Korean tech companies in the past decade but, with one or two exceptions, none of those companies took Western venture capital or private equity.”

    A question, therefore, is if the next generation of Korean entrepreneurs will warm to a Silicon Valley-based firm like Altos. Lee believes they will, in part because many of them went to school in the U.S. and view Silicon Valley capital as a leg up operationally and a mark of validation.

    Approximately 40% of the fund commitments came from Korean investors, and Altos opened an office in Seoul earlier this year. It is staffed with partner Han Kim, who relocated earlier this year, and new principal Hee-Eun Park, the co-founder and former CEO of mobile dating company IUM.

    Lee says that the fund will focus on what he refers to as “venture growth,” which primarily means companies doing their first institutional funding round, but which may already have revenue and profitability.

    《财富》杂志获悉,已运营18年的硅谷阿尔托斯风投公司(Altos Ventures)刚刚完成了一只基金的募集工作,筹措资金6000万美元,将专门投资于韩国初创企业。这应该是有史以来美国风投公司中规模最大的韩国投资基金。



    这只基金中约40%的资金来自韩国投资者,阿尔托斯风投公司今年早些时候在首尔设立了办事处。办事处成员包括年初派遣到首尔的合伙人Han Kim和新来的顾问Hee-Eun Park,后者是手机约会软件公司IUM的联合创始人,并曾担任过首席执行官。





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