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    China is getting serious about electric cars. The government is considering a $16 billion investment to build electric-vehicle chargers across the country, hoping to encourage demand for the clean-burning cars.

    The policy has not been publicly announced and details on the scope and charging compatibility for brands like Tesla is unknown, according to reports from Bloomberg News.

    The charging station network will build on other government efforts to push the adoption of electric cars, including those manufactured by local companies like BYD and Kandi Technologies.

    China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, has been coping with serious air pollution issues for years now. By switching drivers away from traditional gasoline fuel, China is hoping to fight its growing pollution problems.

    Other Chinese policies to push electric vehicles include repealing a purchase tax on the fuel-saving cars and for plug-in hybrids and fuel-cell vehicles. Governmental departments are also required to purchase these cleaner options for official uses.

    The central government aims for electric cars to make up at least 30% of its official fleet by 2016, and that ratio is expected to grow once local provinces become subject to the guidelines.

    The new policies already appear to be helping local electric vehicle makers. BYD, which is partially owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, reported car sales were up sixfold during the first half of this year as a result of the favorable guidelines.


    据彭博新闻(Bloomberg News)报道,新政策目前仍在酝酿中,尚未正式发布,有关充电站的分布范围、以及对特斯拉(Tesla)等品牌汽车充电是否兼容之类的细节仍属未知。

    配合政府的其他努力,充电站网络将推动电动汽车在国内的普及,其中包括来自比亚迪(BYD)和康迪汽车(Kandi Technologies)等中国本土公司的产品。




    这一系列新政策已经开始帮助到中国本土的电动汽车制造商。由于政策有利,比亚迪公司今年上半年的汽车销量上涨了六倍。沃伦•巴菲特旗下的伯克希尔•哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)持有其部分股份。(财富中文网)


    China is getting serious about electric cars. The government is considering a $16 billion investment to build electric-vehicle chargers across the country, hoping to encourage demand for the clean-burning cars.

    The policy has not been publicly announced and details on the scope and charging compatibility for brands like Tesla is unknown, according to reports from Bloomberg News.

    The charging station network will build on other government efforts to push the adoption of electric cars, including those manufactured by local companies like BYD and Kandi Technologies.

    China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, has been coping with serious air pollution issues for years now. By switching drivers away from traditional gasoline fuel, China is hoping to fight its growing pollution problems.

    Other Chinese policies to push electric vehicles include repealing a purchase tax on the fuel-saving cars and for plug-in hybrids and fuel-cell vehicles. Governmental departments are also required to purchase these cleaner options for official uses.

    The central government aims for electric cars to make up at least 30% of its official fleet by 2016, and that ratio is expected to grow once local provinces become subject to the guidelines.

    The new policies already appear to be helping local electric vehicle makers. BYD, which is partially owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, reported car sales were up sixfold during the first half of this year as a result of the favorable guidelines.



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