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    Marc Andreessen, co-head of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and founder of Netscape, says the slump in technology stocks is as bad as he has ever seen it. And now might be the time to buy in.

    Andreessen, speaking at a conference Wednesday hosted by The New York Times' Dealbook, said that for the first time that he could remember technology companies are trading at a discount to the shares of industrial companies, which have much slower growth and tend to see their earnings swing with the economy.

    In the past six months, such tech companies as Facebook (FB) and Groupon (GRPN) have seen their shares disappoint. Andreessen said that while there are some company specific issues, tech companies in the market today are generally good investments in a really bad market for tech stocks. Andreessen said that wasn't the case back in the early 2000s when the tech bubble burst. "These are big companies with a lot of cash," says Andreessen. "The public market hates technology."

    He also said talk that we recently had a bubble in Internet-centric technology stocks is silly. Most of the run up happened in the private markets, and it happened in only a few companies, Facebook mainly. Meanwhile, Andreessen said the big technology companies, Cisco and Intel for example, are trading at historic lows. "What bubble?," says Andreessen. "If that was a bubble that was the weirdest bubble I have ever seen."

    Andreessen, who is on the board of Facebook, declined to comment on whether the social network's May IPO had been a bust. He also said the board of Hewlett Packard (HPQ), which Andreessen is a member of, stands behind Meg Whitman. HP recently was forced to completely write down the value of a recent acquisition citing accounting fraud. "Meg is doing an incredible job," says Andreessen. "All of us have huge faith and support of Meg."

    One thing Andreessen was not bullish on was the future of newspapers. Prompted by a question from Times reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin, Andreessen said he thought print was dead. He said the Times and other publications should ditch their print versions as soon as possible and focus their efforts on their digital offerings. "Maybe I shouldn't have started this discussion," Sorkin said.


    风险投资公司安德森·霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)的联席主管兼网景公司(Netscape)创始人马克·安德森表示,当前科技类股票的暴跌是他所见过最惨烈的情形。现在可能是买进的时候了。

    本周三,在《纽约时报》(The New York Times)的金融资讯服务供应商DealBook举办的一个会议上,安德森称,这是他第一次看到科技类公司的股票打折交易,股价还不如工业类公司的股票。而工业公司往往增速缓慢,收益容易随着整体经济的起伏而波动。



    作为Facebook董事会的一员,安德森拒绝就该公司今年五月的IPO是否遭遇惨败这一说法发表评论。他还表示惠普公司(Hewlett Packard)董事会(他也是成员之一)全力支持梅格·惠特曼。最近,由于被曝存在会计欺诈,惠普被迫将近期收购的一家公司资产彻底减记。不过安德森称:“梅格的工作出色极了。我们都对她无比信任,而且全力支持。”



    Marc Andreessen, co-head of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and founder of Netscape, says the slump in technology stocks is as bad as he has ever seen it. And now might be the time to buy in.

    Andreessen, speaking at a conference Wednesday hosted by The New York Times' Dealbook, said that for the first time that he could remember technology companies are trading at a discount to the shares of industrial companies, which have much slower growth and tend to see their earnings swing with the economy.

    In the past six months, such tech companies as Facebook (FB) and Groupon (GRPN) have seen their shares disappoint. Andreessen said that while there are some company specific issues, tech companies in the market today are generally good investments in a really bad market for tech stocks. Andreessen said that wasn't the case back in the early 2000s when the tech bubble burst. "These are big companies with a lot of cash," says Andreessen. "The public market hates technology."

    He also said talk that we recently had a bubble in Internet-centric technology stocks is silly. Most of the run up happened in the private markets, and it happened in only a few companies, Facebook mainly. Meanwhile, Andreessen said the big technology companies, Cisco and Intel for example, are trading at historic lows. "What bubble?," says Andreessen. "If that was a bubble that was the weirdest bubble I have ever seen."

    Andreessen, who is on the board of Facebook, declined to comment on whether the social network's May IPO had been a bust. He also said the board of Hewlett Packard (HPQ), which Andreessen is a member of, stands behind Meg Whitman. HP recently was forced to completely write down the value of a recent acquisition citing accounting fraud. "Meg is doing an incredible job," says Andreessen. "All of us have huge faith and support of Meg."

    One thing Andreessen was not bullish on was the future of newspapers. Prompted by a question from Times reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin, Andreessen said he thought print was dead. He said the Times and other publications should ditch their print versions as soon as possible and focus their efforts on their digital offerings. "Maybe I shouldn't have started this discussion," Sorkin said.



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