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Adidas JS Roundhouse Mid

    Adidas designed its JS Roundhouse Mid to be, in the company's words, a sneaker "so hot you lock your kicks to your ankles." Instead, the "shackle shoe" kicked up controversy.

    On June 19 -- the same day Adidas advertised the shoe on Facebook -- civil rights groups cried foul. "The attempt to commercialize and make popular more than 200 years of human degradation, where blacks were considered three-fifths human by our Constitution, is offensive, appalling and insensitive," said Rev. Jesse Jackson in a statement to the Huffington Post. Later that day, Adidas pulled the ad and never released the shoe.

Urban Outfitters' "Jude" shirt

    Fashion retailer Urban Outfitters prides itself on selling hip, edgy clothing to young people. But in April the company crossed the line when it sold a yellow T-shirt adorned with a six-pointed star that resembled the "Jude" patches of Nazi Germany.

    Barry Morrison, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote an e-mail to Urban Outfitters, arguing: "We find this use of symbolism to be extremely distasteful and offensive, and we are outraged that your company would make this product available to your customers." Within weeks, Urban Outfitters removed the T-shirt from stores.

Nike Black & Tan

    On St. Patrick's Day Nike released its "Black & Tan" skateboard sneaker, which was named, in part, after the drink made with Guinness and Harp beers. The beverage may be harmless enough, but Black & Tan is also the nickname for the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force, a British paramilitary group that suppressed the Irish in their War of Independence.

    Irish citizens were furious. In an article about the shoe, the Los Angeles Timesdescribed it as "akin, in some circles, to naming a sneaker the Taliban or the Nazi." Nike apologized.

JC Penney's girls' tees

    Last summer JC Penney introduced a T-shirt, targeting girls 7 to 16, with the slogan "I'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me." Shoppers were livid. On Change.org, critics asked the company to "stop selling clothing with sexist messages for girls."

    Others targeted JC Penney's then-chief executive with a petition that read: "Under the guise of being 'cute,' JC Penney is promoting merchandise that encourages girls to value looks over brains; to leave academics to the boys, and to aspire to nothing more than fawning after Justin Bieber." The company apologized and removed the shirt from stores.

Nike's Air Bakin

    In 1997 Nike released the "Air Bakin," a basketball sneaker that featured a generic, flame-like design. But to some followers of Islam, the flame resembled the word "Allah" when written in Arabic script.

    Soon after its launch, the Council on American Islamic Relations released statements condemning the shoe. After Nike made a failed attempt to conceal the emblem--by covering it with a fabric patch and red paint-- CAIR's president threatened a boycott against Nike products worldwide. Nike eventually recalled 38,000 pairs of the shoe, apologized to the Muslim community, and built playgrounds for Islamic youth organizations in Falls Church, VA and other communities.

Converse's "Loaded Weapon"

    In the fall of 2003, Converse launched its "Loaded Weapon" basketball sneaker, an updated version of the "Weapon," which Magic Johnson and Larry Bird made famous in the 1980s. The company had terrible timing: shortly before the shoe's launch, Baylor University basketball star Patrick Dennehy died after being shot by a teammate.

    During 2003 and 2002, NBA players Jayson Williams, Gilbert Arenas, and Allen Iverson all faced weapons-related charges. Soon after the "Loaded Weapon" hit stores, some African-American history scholars cried foul. Converse stuck by its decision, and released a statement claiming, "This is merely the name of a shoe."

Sears' slogan T-shirts

    In March, Sears offered a line of T-shirts for young girls, which featured slogans like "Don't make me kick you in the birth canal" and "Nice girls don't use pepper spray." In a related line for babies, the retailer offered a onesie with tasseled, stripper pasties and shirts that read "Shake Me" and "Official Irish Drinking Team, Irish Today Hungover Tomorrow."

    Shoppers were furious, and condemned the products as offensive and misogynistic. They wrote letters to the company criticizing the products. In a New York Daily News piece about the controversy, a frustrated Sears employee admitted, "I cannot believe how offensive this is. I have kids, I understand, we need to take it down and take corrective measures." Sears stopped selling the products in March.

Umbro's "Zyklon"

    Decades after the Nazi gas chambers were shut down for good, English sportswear manufacturer Umbro reignited bad memories when it named a training sneaker "Zyklon" in 1999. Umbro chose the name for its German meaning -- "cyclone"-- not Zyklon B, the insecticide used by the Nazis as a lethal poison.

    In a letter to Umbro, Dr. Shimon Samuels of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said its "outrageous misuse of the Holocaust is an insult to its victims and survivors." Umbro later recalled the sneaker.


    当初阿迪达斯(Adidas)推出JS Roundhouse Mid的初衷用它自己的话来说是要设计一款“超火的运动鞋,消费者穿上就舍不得脱,干脆把它们锁脚踝上。”然而事与愿违,这款“脚镣鞋”引发了众怒。

    6月19日,阿迪达斯在Facebook上推出该款运动鞋广告的同一天,美国民权组织便提出抗议。杰西•杰克逊牧师对《郝芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)表示:“长达两百多年的时间里,美国宪法曾认为黑人只能算五分之三个人。如今,阿迪达斯竟然试图将这段代表人性堕落的历史商业化,并试图推而广之,这是对美国黑人的冒犯,简直骇人听闻,麻木不仁。”当天晚些时候,阿迪达斯撤掉了这款运动鞋的广告,并取消了该款产品的发布。

Adidas JS Roundhouse Mid

    Adidas designed its JS Roundhouse Mid to be, in the company's words, a sneaker "so hot you lock your kicks to your ankles." Instead, the "shackle shoe" kicked up controversy.

    On June 19 -- the same day Adidas advertised the shoe on Facebook -- civil rights groups cried foul. "The attempt to commercialize and make popular more than 200 years of human degradation, where blacks were considered three-fifths human by our Constitution, is offensive, appalling and insensitive," said Rev. Jesse Jackson in a statement to the Huffington Post. Later that day, Adidas pulled the ad and never released the shoe.

Urban Outfitters“犹大”T恤

    服装零售商Urban Outfitters以向年轻人销售嘻哈风格、新锐服饰为荣。但在今年4月,公司推出的一款T恤衫却玩过了火。这款T恤上有一个六芒星,很像纳粹德国时期的“JUDE”标志(二战时期,德国纳粹疯狂迫害犹太人,纳粹控制下欧洲地区的犹太人都被迫佩戴黄星标志以示区别。黄星上的文字为“JUDE”,意指“犹大”——译注)。

    反诽谤联盟(Anti-Defamation League)区域理事巴里•莫里森在写给城市旅行者的邮件中称:“我们认为使用这一标记的行为端恶劣无礼,贵公司竟然将这样一款产品推向消费者,对此我们非常愤怒。”几周后,城市旅行者便将这款T恤下架处理。

Urban Outfitters' "Jude" shirt

    Fashion retailer Urban Outfitters prides itself on selling hip, edgy clothing to young people. But in April the company crossed the line when it sold a yellow T-shirt adorned with a six-pointed star that resembled the "Jude" patches of Nazi Germany.

    Barry Morrison, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, wrote an e-mail to Urban Outfitters, arguing: "We find this use of symbolism to be extremely distasteful and offensive, and we are outraged that your company would make this product available to your customers." Within weeks, Urban Outfitters removed the T-shirt from stores.


    耐克公司(Nike)在今年圣帕特里克节推出了“Black & Tan”滑板鞋,这款鞋的命名灵感在很大程度上是来源于使用健力士(Guinness)与Harp啤酒制作的一款饮品。这款饮品自然是没有问题,可Black & Tan同时也是皇家爱尔兰警队后备队(the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force)的绰号——黑棕部队,这支英国准军事部队曾经镇压了爱尔兰人的独立革命。

    因此,爱尔兰人怒火中烧。《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)的一篇文章认为,这款运动鞋的名字“在某种程度上来说无异于将运动鞋命名为塔利班或者纳粹一样。”耐克公司随后向公众道歉。

Nike Black & Tan

    On St. Patrick's Day Nike released its "Black & Tan" skateboard sneaker, which was named, in part, after the drink made with Guinness and Harp beers. The beverage may be harmless enough, but Black & Tan is also the nickname for the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force, a British paramilitary group that suppressed the Irish in their War of Independence.

    Irish citizens were furious. In an article about the shoe, the Los Angeles Timesdescribed it as "akin, in some circles, to naming a sneaker the Taliban or the Nazi." Nike apologized.


    去年夏天,彭尼百货(JC Penney)针对7到16岁的女生推出了一款T恤衫,上面写着“我是萌妹子,作业哥代劳。”这让消费者非常生气。网民在社会行动网站Change.org上要求这家公司“停止向女孩销售带有性别歧视信息的衣服。”


JC Penney's girls' tees

    Last summer JC Penney introduced a T-shirt, targeting girls 7 to 16, with the slogan "I'm too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me." Shoppers were livid. On Change.org, critics asked the company to "stop selling clothing with sexist messages for girls."

    Others targeted JC Penney's then-chief executive with a petition that read: "Under the guise of being 'cute,' JC Penney is promoting merchandise that encourages girls to value looks over brains; to leave academics to the boys, and to aspire to nothing more than fawning after Justin Bieber." The company apologized and removed the shirt from stores.

耐克公司的 Air Bakin

    1997年,耐克公司推出了一款篮球鞋“Air Bakin”,球鞋采用了常见的火焰设计。但穆斯林信徒确认为,球鞋上的火焰像是阿拉伯文字中的“阿拉”。

    因此,这款篮球鞋推出后不久,美国伊斯兰关系理事会(Council on American Islamic Relations,CAIR)便发表声明,对这款产品大加谴责。耐克公司曾尝试用织物补丁和红色装饰物来掩盖火焰符号,但未能成功,之后CAIR主席威胁要发动全球信徒抵制耐克产品。最终,耐克召回了38,000双“Air Bakin”篮球鞋,并向伊斯兰群体道歉,还为弗吉尼亚州福尔斯彻奇的伊斯兰青年组织以及其他社区捐建了运动场地。

Nike's Air Bakin

    In 1997 Nike released the "Air Bakin," a basketball sneaker that featured a generic, flame-like design. But to some followers of Islam, the flame resembled the word "Allah" when written in Arabic script.

    Soon after its launch, the Council on American Islamic Relations released statements condemning the shoe. After Nike made a failed attempt to conceal the emblem--by covering it with a fabric patch and red paint-- CAIR's president threatened a boycott against Nike products worldwide. Nike eventually recalled 38,000 pairs of the shoe, apologized to the Muslim community, and built playgrounds for Islamic youth organizations in Falls Church, VA and other communities.


    2003年秋,匡威(Converse)推出了“武器”系列(Weapon)的升级版“重装武器”(Loaded Weapon)篮球鞋。上世纪80年代,“魔术师”约翰逊和“大鸟”拉里•伯德让“武器”系列名噪一时。然而,新产品的上市时机却非常糟糕:这款球鞋上市后不久,贝勒尔大学(Baylor University)的篮球明星帕特里克•丹尼希便被自己的队友枪杀。


Converse's "Loaded Weapon"

    In the fall of 2003, Converse launched its "Loaded Weapon" basketball sneaker, an updated version of the "Weapon," which Magic Johnson and Larry Bird made famous in the 1980s. The company had terrible timing: shortly before the shoe's launch, Baylor University basketball star Patrick Dennehy died after being shot by a teammate.

    During 2003 and 2002, NBA players Jayson Williams, Gilbert Arenas, and Allen Iverson all faced weapons-related charges. Soon after the "Loaded Weapon" hit stores, some African-American history scholars cried foul. Converse stuck by its decision, and released a statement claiming, "This is merely the name of a shoe."



    对此,消费者非常愤怒,批评这些产品令人不快而且歧视妇女。许多消费者给公司写信批评这些产品。在《纽约每日新闻报》(New York Daily News)关于此次争议的报道中,一位愤怒的西尔斯百货员工自己都承认:“太无礼了,真是令人难以置信。我也有孩子,所以我也非常理解消费者的愤怒,西尔斯百货必须将这些产品下架,同时采取补救措施。”3月份,西尔斯百货停止了这些产品的销售。

Sears' slogan T-shirts

    In March, Sears offered a line of T-shirts for young girls, which featured slogans like "Don't make me kick you in the birth canal" and "Nice girls don't use pepper spray." In a related line for babies, the retailer offered a onesie with tasseled, stripper pasties and shirts that read "Shake Me" and "Official Irish Drinking Team, Irish Today Hungover Tomorrow."

    Shoppers were furious, and condemned the products as offensive and misogynistic. They wrote letters to the company criticizing the products. In a New York Daily News piece about the controversy, a frustrated Sears employee admitted, "I cannot believe how offensive this is. I have kids, I understand, we need to take it down and take corrective measures." Sears stopped selling the products in March.


    纳粹毒气室被永久关闭几十年后,1999年,英国体育用品制造商茵宝公司将一款训练用鞋命名为“Zyklon”,再次勾起了人们的悲惨回忆。当然,茵宝公司之所以选择“Zyklon”,是取它的德语涵义——“旋风”,而不是被纳粹德国用作致命毒药的杀虫剂齐克隆B(Zyklon B)。

    在写给茵宝公司的信中,西蒙•维森塔尔中心(the Simon Wiesenthal Center)的希蒙•塞缪尔斯称:“如此厚颜无耻地利用大屠杀是对遇难者和幸存者的侮辱。”之后,茵宝公司召回了这款运动鞋。


Umbro's "Zyklon"

    Decades after the Nazi gas chambers were shut down for good, English sportswear manufacturer Umbro reignited bad memories when it named a training sneaker "Zyklon" in 1999. Umbro chose the name for its German meaning -- "cyclone"-- not Zyklon B, the insecticide used by the Nazis as a lethal poison.

    In a letter to Umbro, Dr. Shimon Samuels of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said its "outrageous misuse of the Holocaust is an insult to its victims and survivors." Umbro later recalled the sneaker.



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