JILL ALLYN PETERSON | 2012-06-27 11:02

LED已经问世十几年了,但这种灯泡一开始只是作为一种实用性工具,比如汽车和电器的灯泡,过了很久才用来做为高端设计的复杂照明设备。随着LED灯具价格的降低,发光效率的提高,它已经被视为未来照明的主流设备。虽然目前这一幕还没有变成现实,但这一切或许即将发生改变。 据麦肯锡公司(McKinsey)预计,未来五年,LED普通照明市场的规模将达到现在的四倍。虽然对于大部分人来说,这一点仅仅意味着把家里的白炽灯泡换成LED灯泡,但是在最近纽约设计周上,设计师们却向人们展示了更多别具一格的创意。LED灯有着体积紧凑、发热少、色温范围广、功能丰富以及价格便宜和便于标准化生产的特点,因而设计师可以利用这些特点突破传统灯泡的光影模式,重新阐释灯具的意义。 本文将为您介绍其中最令人惊艳的一些奇思妙想,以及设计师本人对设计理念的阐释。 | The LED bulb has been with us for decades, but it's been on a long journey from humble, utilitarian origins as automotive and gadget light to sophisticated lighting fixtures in high-end design. With lower prices and higher efficiency than before, LEDs are looking like the wave of the future for general lighting. They're not there quite yet. But that's about to change. The market for LEDs for general purposes is expected to quadruple in the next five years according to McKinsey and Company. While for many that will mean simply replacing incandescent bulbs in existing lamps, designers showing at New York's recent Design Week have different ideas. Taking advantage of new possibilities provided by LEDs' compact size, low heat, range of color temperatures, and flexibility, as well as lower pricing and standardization in manufacturing, designers are exploring new territory beyond the traditional bulb-and-shade format and redefining what it means to be a lamp. Here are some of the coolest ideas and what they're designers have to say about them. |

Nervous System设计的“萌芽灯具”系列:“用LED设计灯具就如同直接用光进行设计” | Seed Lamp by Nervous System. "Working with LEDs feels like working directly with light." |

Nervous System设计的“萌芽灯具”系列:“三维打印技术能令我们创造出复杂的有机体造型,而LED紧凑的体积是这一切的关键所在。” | Seed Lamp by Nervous System. "3D printing allows us to create a complex organic form and the compact size of LEDs was key." |

Fishtnk设计的猫头鹰灯具:“这款猫头鹰灯具是一个LED吊灯,用胶合板打造而成。它能够表现出从黎明到黄昏的全部光线变化。” | Owl Lamp by Fishtnk. "Owl is an LED pendant light manufactured with a plywood frame that displays full spectrum from dawn to dusk light." |

Fishtnk设计的猫头鹰灯具:“灯具的图形界面是完全是直观的,可以用智能手机上的APP应用或是任何电脑设备来控制这款LED照明设备。” | Owl Lamp by Fishtnk. "The graphic interface of the Owl technology is intuitive and allows full control of this LED-based lighting device with an App on your smartphone or on any personal computer device." |

Tenndo设计的Amparo系列:“Amparo是一款手工打造的灯具,它使用可回收利用的激光切割纸板、LED光条和彩色电缆制成。这个灯可以悬挂、平放,也可以架在桌子边缘。” | Amparo by Tenndo. "Amparo is a handcrafted light object made of recycled laser-cut cardboard, LED tape and a colored electric cable, which can hang, lie flat or standing on edge" |

RUX设计的Stickbulb:“每个Stickbulb就是一个LED光条,置于光滑的木杆上。大多数人都可以用一些废弃的材料来和窄木带来进行搭配。” | Stickbulb by RUX. "Each StickBulb is a LED strip housed within a sleek wooden beam. With narrow strips of wood we are able to use what would be, for most people, unusable scraps" |

Peteris Zilbers和 Mārtiņš Straupe设计的扫帚灯。“遥控数字LED照明技术令一把扫帚变成了一盏功能完备的LED灯。” | MOODBROOM lamp by Peteris Zilbers and Mārtiņš Straupe. Image by Maris Locmelis."Remote controlled digital LED light technology turns what appears to be a broom into a fully functioning lamp." |

Qis Design设计的水母灯:“三向触环式调节器可以轻松调节灯光亮度。由于LED体积很小,因此就能把灯泡藏于灯具中央,同时却又不至于刺眼。” | Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design. "A three-way "touch ring" dimmer enables easy luminosity adjustment. Thanks to LED's small size it is possible to hide the bulb in the center and avoid glare." |

Qis Design设计的水母灯:“这款的的两端各有一个旋钮,前面那个可以调节灯光亮度,后面那个可以调节照明角度,外形则模仿了一只振翅冲向天空的海鸥。” | Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design. "It has two knobs on the main body, the front one for adjusting brightness and the back for adjusting lighting angles, imitating a seagull flapping wings to soar into the sky." |

CP Lighting设计的newGROWTH系列:“除了早期发展时那种狂野的西部风格外,LED灯这些年来似乎已经成为一个完美的解决方案。如今我可以设计各部分都能替换的照明系统,满足客户的可持续发展以及生态环保的价值观。” | newGROWTH by CP Lighting. "LEDs seemed like a great solution for years now except for the wild west character of their early development. Now I can create lighting with a component system that can be replaced if needed, while satisfying the sustainability and eco responsibility my customers value." |

CP Lighting设计的newGROWTH系列:“户外路灯将防水LED灯条置于铝合金支架内。虽然发生的几率很小,但万一发生脱落现象,简单地将LED取出更换即可” | newGROWTH by CP Lighting. "The outdoor post and path lamps make use of a waterproof LED strip that is fit within an aluminum housing in our fixtures, in the unlikely event that it fails, the LED strip can simply be pulled out and replaced." |

Vahakn设计的折叠木灯:“超薄的LED灯条可以让我用1毫米厚的木板设计出既结实、又美观多样的灯具。” | Folded Wood Lamps from Vahakn. "The super thin nature of the LED tape itself allows me to use 1mm thin wood to create strong yet flexible and delicate forms" |

贾克戴森设计的“坐标”LED作业灯:LED技术的持续发展对生产商来说是一个挑战,既要跟上技术发展的步伐,又要把新技术加以利用。这些可完全调光的“坐标系列”LED作业灯可以沿三个轴心调节,从而获得定向光源。这些光源可以持续37年,并且完全不含水银。 | CSYS LED task light from Jake Dyson. "Constant acceleration in LED development poses a real challenge for manufactures to keep up and best implement these new technologies. The fully dimmable CSYS LED task light adjusts along three axes for a directional light source that can last 37 years and is free of mercury." |