  • Dick Fuld's new game: penny stocks

    Colin Barr 2010-06-11 01:36

    What is former Lehman Brothers chief Dick Fuld doing at an obscure brokerage house called Legend Securities?That's what Roddy Boyd, formerly of Fortun...

  • An inside tale of Lehman Brothers' downfall

    财富中文网 2009-07-24 05:22

    Exclusive first look: A bond trader's new book, A Colossal Failure of Common Sense, tells how the firm's leaders ignored all the warnings.By Jennifer ...

  • 商界搞情报工作要学习中情局

    Omar Akhtar 2012-12-25 01:13

    商业间谍活动或许是违法的,但企业仍然可以想办法密切关注竞争情况。全球各地,有些企业每年要花200多万美元,用于聘请外部机构,或是让内部部门追踪和分析竞争对手的行为及策略。这些公司通常通过公开资源或情报研究来达到这个目标,这种做法通常被称为竞争情报。竞争情报与研究机构Fuld & Company的总裁...

  • $642 million to clean up Lehman -- and counting

    Colin Barr 2010-03-16 10:47

    Unraveling the biggest-ever U.S. bankruptcy case isn't cheap.A report released Thursday by the examiner in the Lehman Brothers Chapter 11 case exposed...

  • Buffett vents on financial fat cats

    Colin Barr 2010-03-03 05:34

    By Colin BarrWarren Buffett has an elegant solution for the thorny problem of too-big-to-fail banks: Put the bankers' bank accounts on the line.Buffet...

  • On the block: Lehman art for under $2,000

    财富中文网 2009-10-13 05:10

    You don't have to be a master of the universe to snag works by Hockney, Lichtenstein, and Rauschenberg.By William D. CohanThe first batch of artworks ...

  • 雷曼考虑采用不良银行策略

    Colin Barr 2008-08-28 05:11

    作者:Colin Barr据彭博资讯(Bloomberg)报道, 雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)正在筹建一家分支机构,由它来掌管公司的商业房地产相关资产。此举将推动投资银行向瑞银(UBS)正在试验的优良银行/不良银行结构方向发展,使其赢得时间度过最艰难的信贷危机,从而减少人们对雷曼住...

  • 雷曼,好一个顽童!

    Stanley Bing 2010-03-18 12:51

    迪克•富尔德(Dick Fuld),你真是个臭小子!雷曼(Lehman)前高管们?你们的行为“包括严重但却无需接受处罚的商业判断错误,以及可被起诉的资产负债表操纵行为。”顽劣!顽劣的企业高管们!我真希望你们在被扔到海里喂鱼时能感到深深的愧疚,后悔恣意挥霍你们得到的离职费。安永(Ernst & You...

  • 富尔德的新猎物:低价股

    Colin Barr 2010-06-11 01:44

    曾就职于《财富》(Fortune)杂志与《纽约邮报》(New York Post)的罗迪•博伊德(Roddy Boyd),在自己的Financial Investigator网站上发文,提出了上述疑问。上个月,路透(Reuters)报道了富尔德(Fuld)加盟Legend的消息。这家位于曼哈顿下城的...

  • Naughty Lehman!

    Stanley Bing 2010-03-18 12:47

    It’s very helpful to have a 2,200-page report, more than a year later, on what we knew already. To wit:Dick Fuld! You’re a BAD BOY!Former Lehman execu...
