  • Are compensation committees covering for high CEO pay?

    Eleanor Bloxham 2010-07-20 06:59

    When you want to understand whether the CEO runs the board or the board oversees the CEO, a good place to start is to look at the work of the Compensa...

  • Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Co.

    《财富》 2011-04-07 08:01

    排名:56 (去年排名:N.A.)是什么使这家公司如此伟大?日本武田公司(Takeda)的这家子公司是今年新上榜的公司中排位最高的,它提供旅行安排服务和内部干洗等福利。2009年营业收入(百万美元):N.A.网址:www.millennium.com ...

  • My Compensation: One CEO’s internal monologue

    Stanley Bing 2009-04-08 07:21

    By Stanley BingOh, goody! Look at my package… so big and shiny! The New York Times and Wall Street Journal just put me in the top 50 big earners of th...

  • Bloom box debut: More IPO than CO2

    Paul Keegan 2010-03-01 07:05

    The long-awaited unveiling may have another goal in mind: to fuel investors' appetite for a public offering.By Paul KeeganIt was an awesome spectacle ...

  • Yahoo's Bartz: most overpaid

    Colin Barr 2010-10-14 01:43

    Bartz (right) sports the biggest paycheck on the list of 25 overindulged big companies compiled by proxy adviser Glass-Lewis.She took home $39 million...

  • Libor利率与银行的利益联姻

    Eleanor Bloxham 2012-12-17 11:04

    Libor操纵丑闻引发的后果迥异于其他银行业丑闻。上周二,英国警方在伦敦展开凌晨突袭,逮捕了包括一位花旗集团(Citigroup)前任交易员在内的3人。逮捕消息可能对未来的操纵行为有震慑作用,但不能完全消除引发此类行为的诱因。上上周,英国监管机构建议,设定伦敦同业拆借利率(London Interb...

  • David Ogilvy’s best advice for business

    财富中文网 2009-07-23 12:30

    By Patricia SellersDavid Ogilvy, arguably the most influential advertising man in history, died 10 years ago today.Measured by his creativity, Ogilvy ...

  • 顶级企业法律顾问天价薪酬缩水

    Elizabeth G. Olson 2012-08-03 01:12

    顶级企业法律顾问收入颇丰。但近来即使是在公司财力见涨的情况下,法律顾问的薪酬也遭到大幅削减。去年企业内部法律顾问的总体薪酬水平出乎意料地下跌了30%。这种情况可能会波及到其他企业高管们的薪资水平,并为接下来的CEO薪酬下调埋下伏笔。根据《企业法律顾问》(Corporate Counsel)最新发布的...

  • What went wrong at AMD

    Eleanor Bloxham 2011-01-19 01:53

    The AMD board's ouster of CEO Dirk Meyer on Monday caught many by surprise and highlights the need for better succession planning and communication be...

  • 2011年薪酬最高的25位女性高管

    《财富》 2012-09-29 11:54

    1. 萨弗拉•A•卡兹职位:总裁兼首席财务官所在公司:甲骨文(Oracle, Inc.)2011年薪酬合计:51,695,742美元1. Safra A. CatzExecutive title: President and Chief Financial OfficerCompany: Oracl...
