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大众甲壳虫是汽车史上最经典的车型之一,最近它又迎来了一次改头换面的升级,下面我们就带领大家一起来回顾一下大众甲壳虫 75年的进化史。


    我是婴儿潮早期出生的那一代人。像许多同龄人一样,我的第一台车是一台大众甲壳虫(Volkswagen Beetle)。我的大学是在佛蒙特州念的,当时校园里到处都是这种车,所以我也很自然地选择了它。大众富有创新性的广告宣传塑造了甲壳虫既时尚、又实用的形象,这也正符合我的个人形象,而且价格也正适合我。我当年刚满21岁,刚被允许可以在学校里拥有一辆车,我就立刻花了600美元,买了一辆1961年版的黑色甲壳虫。(现在想想,这真是一笔划算的投资,最近有人登广告出售黑色的1961版甲壳虫,叫价高达14,500美元。)



Meet the Beetles

    Like many members of my early baby boom generation, my first car was a Volkswagen Beetle. My Vermont college campus was blanketed with them, which made it an easy call. The hip, utilitarian image created by VW's innovative advertising fit my own self-image, and the price was right. Right after I turned 21 and was allowed a car on campus, I paid $600 for a black 1961 Beetle . (What an investment that could have been! A black '61 was recently advertised for sale at $14,500).

    Beetles of that era came in two body styles -- hard-top and cabriolet -- and with one powertrain option: air-cooled, rear-engine, three-speed manual transmission. The flipper turn signals had finally given way to more conventional lights, but there was still no gas gauge. Like other drivers I relied on the emergency tank, silently praying that I had remembered to fill it every time I made a changeover.

    That black Beetle served me nearly flawlessly until I passed it on to my brother and graduated much less successfully to a 544S Volvo. Little did I suspect that the Beetle would remain alive as long as I have. The original rear-engined Beetle, produced from 1938 to 2003, is the longest-running and most manufactured automobile in history. Its immediate successor, the 1999 New Beetle, is less historically significant but equally iconoclastic. Recently, I got a chance to drive the latest edition of this automotive epic, the 2012 Beetle, and it made me think about all its incarnations over the last three quarters of a century.




The first Beetle: 1938-1953

    In 1933, Adolf Hitler ordered Ferdinand Porsche to develop a people's car -- literally "volkswagen" in German. Porsche, who would go on to design the sports car that bears his name, produced a two-door car with an upright windshield and a distinctive round shape, powered by an air-cooled engine mounted in the rear. A few prototypes were developed before World War II, but mass-production did not begin until 1946. Performance was not a priority. The 34-horsepower engine required 27.5 seconds to reach 60 mph, and the car had a top speed of 71 mph.





Early Beetles: 1953-1957

    The first Beetle was exported to the U.S. in 1949, and sales started slowly, reaching only 390 by 1951. While Detroit was still caught up in annual model changes, alterations to the Beetle came only slowly.

    After six years of production, the small two-piece window was replaced by a slightly larger single oval window. In 1957, an even larger full-width window was installed. For the 1958 model, the dashboard was redesigned, and the turn signals moved to the tops of the fenders. No tailfins, two-tone colors, or Continental spare tire kits.



    随着美国年轻人开始对正统文化感到反感,甲壳虫这款特立独行的轿车也“潮”了起来。Doyle Dane Berbach广告公司1959年搞了一个名叫“想想还是小的好”(Think Small)的广告宣传活动,后来被票选为20世纪百佳广告之首,正是因为它敏锐地捕捉到了这种正在生长的社会思潮。到了1965年,在德国沃斯夫堡的大众工厂,甲壳虫的年产量达到100万台。美国顾客要足足等上五个月才能拿到现车。


Trend-setting Beetles: 1958-1966

    As America's youth began their revolt against mass culture, Beetles became trendy. Doyle Dane Bernbach's 1959 "Think Small" campaign, later voted number one among 100 in the 20th century captured a growing zeitgeist. By1965, one million Beetles were rolling out of the Wolfsburg factory in Germany. Customers in the U.S. waited as long as five months to take delivery.

    Mechanical changes continued apace. The cabin grew airier, and the overall appearance got modernized when the side windows and windshield were enlarged. The windshield wipers now rested to the left side of the windshield instead of the right, the rear engine cover could be opened with the push of a button instead of the twist of a T-handle, and a conventional fuel gauge replaced the lever switch and reserve tank.



    1970年美国人一共买了50多万辆甲壳虫,这也是它销量的巅峰。美国的史密森尼博物馆(Smithsonian)珍而重之地收藏了第1,500万辆下线的甲壳虫,标志着这款车型正式取得了经典地位。它的发动机马力也在1967年增加到54匹,到1970年增加到57匹,不过性能上并没有明显的提高。《人车志》(Car and Driver)杂志测试了一辆1970版甲壳车,发现它的速度实际上还要比1968版稍慢一些。但这次评测丝毫没有减弱消费者的热情。

    随后又出现了一款长鼻子的甲壳虫,它有个新的名字,叫做“超级甲壳虫”(Super Beetle)。位于车前端的载货厢倒是不辜负“超级”两个字,因为它的尺寸是老款的两倍。此后大众公司一直持续对甲壳虫进行改进。1972年,它第n次扩大了后车窗,引擎盖也多了两排通风孔,倒车的时候尾灯还会亮起来。1973年,风挡变成了弧形。1974年,甲壳虫安装了能防每小时5英里低速碰撞的吸能减震保险杠。

Mature Beetles: 1967-1974

    Americans bought more than 500,000 Beetles in 1970 -- the high-water mark for sales. The Beetle officially attained icon status when the Smithsonian collected the 15-millionth car. Horsepower grew to 54 in 1967 and 57 in 1970, though without appreciably improving performance. Car and Driver tested a 1970 model and discovered that it was slightly slower than the 1968 version. The review does nothing to dampen customer enthusiasm.

    A new stretched-nose design appeared, with a new name: Super Beetle. The front compartment's cargo compartment was certainly super -- it was twice as large as it used to be. Improvements continued. In 1972, the rear window was enlarged for the nth time, two more rows of vents popped up on the engine deck lid, and the taillights now lit up when the car was put in reverse. 1973 brought a curved windshield, and in 1974 the Beetle got energy-absorbing five-mile-per-hour bumpers.





The Aging Beetle: 1974-2003

    By 1972, approximately four million Beetles had been sold in the U.S. But VW was increasingly being overtaken by Japanese carmakers building vehicles with superior quality and technology at a lower price.

    By 1977, U.S. Beetle sales had declined to fewer than 20,000 a year (down from over 90,000 just two years earlier) as the cost of assembly increased and VW shifted its small-car emphasis to the front-drive Golf, introduced in 1974. The last Beetle was sold in the U.S. in 1981, though Volkswagen continued to build it in Mexico for sale in some South American countries. By 2003, annual production had fallen to 30,000 cars from a peak of 1.3 million in 1971, and the Beetle was finally laid to rest.





The New Beetle: 1998-2010

    Bowing to popular demand, VW introduced the New Beetle, based on a crowd-pleasing retro-themed concept car that was unveiled at the 1994 Detroit Auto Show. Base price was $15,200. The high arched roofline, sloping headlights, and approachable personality thrilled old Beetle fans. But the similarities were more nostalgic than real, since the New Beetle was based on a modern Golf platform and was powered by an engine in the front. The combination of old body style and new platform necessitated compromises, such as an unusual driving position and poor access to maintenance items.

    The New Beetle was a hit right from the start. More than 83,000 were sold in 1999. A surprising number of buyers were young women, leading the Beetle to become known as a "chick car." (A dash-mounted bud vase may have had something to do with it.) But that didn't stop it from becoming a popular success during its production run with just under 600,000 units (both hardtop and convertible) sold in the U.S., and about 1.2 million worldwide, during its 13-year life.





Beetles Forever: 2011-

    Ironically, the adjective "new" disappears from the name of this reengineered model on a new platform. Also gone is the cute. Longer, lower, longer, and wider than the New Beetle, this Beetle's low-rider gangsta profile is expected to help it draw more male buyers. The controls remain straightforward, and the emphasis is on functional design rather than affordable luxury. Old pre-euro bargain prices are only a memory. The base Beetle starts at $18,995; my 200-horsepower Turbo test car kicks off at $23,395. The 2012 Beetle retains one characteristic from the 1938 Type 1: Personality rather than performance is still its strong suit. As always, the Beetle remains the people's car.



  1. 东芝为大众电动汽车提供动力支持
  2. 大众汽车的宏伟计划
  3. 男人也能开甲壳虫