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超过2.1万名程序员和创业者参加了2018年度的“麦加朝圣黑客马拉松”。图片来源:Amer Hilabi—AFP/Getty Images

It’s often said that Silicon Valley is a tech Mecca, but the actual Islamic holy site has technology chops of its own. More than 2 million Muslims will visit the Saudi Arabian city in August to perform the Hajj pilgrimage—a journey every one of Islam’s 1.8 billion adherents must make during their lifetime, if financially and physically able. Keeping those people safe is no small task for the kingdom’s government: In 2015, more than 2,000 pilgrims were killed in a stampede in Mecca’s Mina neighborhood.

Since then, the Saudi government has invested billions in everything from biometrics to blockchain to keep visitors from more than 160 countries safe and comfortable during their visit. Last year, Saudi Arabia hosted its first “Hajj Hackathon”—with coders and entrepreneurs competing over a 36-hour period to build apps and services to streamline the pilgrimage. The winners were an all-female Saudi team who designed a smartphone app to help non-Arabic speakers translate signage without an Internet connection. They received $500,000 in exchange for a 15% equity stake.

This year, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah is piloting a smart-card initiative with 25,000 pilgrims that will store their identity, medical information, and contact information—and track their location. By modeling this location data, it’s hoped, Saudi authorities will be better able to predict crowd movements and avoid another deadly crush.

Currently, visitor numbers are restricted, and it would take more than 580 years for every living Muslim to visit Mecca for Hajj. But Saudi Arabia hopes it can allow 30 million pilgrims annually by 2030, and technology investment is vital to meeting that ambitious goal.

A version of this article appears in the August 2019 issue of Fortune with the headline "The Modern Pilgrim."

很多人将硅谷比作科技界的圣城麦加,然而鲜为人知的是,在伊斯兰教的圣地麦加也有一个 “小硅谷”。今年8月,麦加将迎来200多万名朝圣的游客(只要经济和身体条件允许,每个穆斯林一生都至少要来麦加朝觐一次,而全球至少有18亿穆斯林)。对于沙特政府来说,要确保这些朝圣者的安全,可并不是一件容易的事情。2015年,麦加曾经发生过一起朝觐者踩踏事件,造成2000余名朝觐者丧生。








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