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As the job market changes and fears of automation replacing positions persist, many are looking toward the fields of the future. This “fastest growing job” could be one to keep an eye on.

Data scientist is the fastest growing job in the United States, according to LinkedIn. The profession has grown 6.5 times since 2012 and there are more than 6,000 data scientists jobs currently listed on LinkedIn. Among other fast-growing career paths, it’s also one of the best paid with a median salary of $113,000. Other growing professions, according to LinkedIn, include sales development representative, customer success manager, full stack developer and marketing content manager — with median salaries ranging from $58,000 to $82,000.

In addition to the job market growth, demand for data scientists also comes from a shortage of workers. A shortage of up to 250,000 data scientists could be looming, according to a report from McKinsey. The job allows company to make decisions fueled by data. It’s also a fairly new career, intersecting with social science, statistics, computer science and design fields.







  1. 2022年的热门工作:数据科学家
  2. 数据科学家紧俏,数学背景并非必须
  3. 未来人才竞争:培养下一代数据科学家
  4. 影响95%美国读者的数据科学家