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A year ago, Bloomberg asked economists to predict how 2017 would unfurl. With the year almost over, we compared those forecasts to actual performance and, well, the results weren’t pretty.

This was the year that the textbook connection between inflation and unemployment broke down, bedeviling forecasters. So much so that our survey respondents pulled off a rare feat: missing to the upside their forecasts for both inflation and the jobless rate. Typically a miss in one direction for one of those measures accompanies a miss in the opposite direction for the other. Not so in 2017.

“We can definitely learn from that,” said Christopher Low, chief economist at FTN Financial in New York, who was among the best predictors of inflation (and among the worst on unemployment). “The thing we’re looking at here now is trying to understand where the inflation-unemployment relationship broke down.”

Only one forecast, submitted by Francois Dupuis and Francis Genereux at Desjardins Group, managed to come within 0.3 percentage point of the actual results on both unemployment and inflation. Bravo.

Inflation Mystery

How the 2017 results force economists to change the way they forecast 2018 depends crucially on whether they believe the mystery of low inflation will continue. More seem to be moving into the camp that says low inflation can’t be completely explained by transitory factors.

“I don’t think it’s a one-year phenomenon,” said Stephen Gallagher, chief U.S. economist at Societe General SA in New York. “It’s something of a new paradigm.”

To see all the individual forecasts from a year ago, click on ECFC.

For the highlights, read on. Ph.D. economists should prepare to be humbled.


Economists’ median forecast 4.6% Response range 3.4%-5.5% Fed’s median forecast 4.5% November unemployment rate 4.1%By November 2016, unemployment was already at 4.6 percent, about where many economists thought was its lowest sustainable rate. Few believed U.S. employers would add about 2 million jobs this year, pushing joblessness to 4.1 percent.


Median forecast (core PCE) 2% Response range 1.2%-4% Fed’s forecast 1.8% November core PCE 1.5%If economists missed unemployment to the high side, you’d think they would miss inflation to the low side, right? Wrong. Welcome to the “mystery” of 2017, as described by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. That caught just about everyone by surprise as inflation remained disturbingly low at 1.5 percent in the 12 months through November, against surprisingly strong job gains.

What Our Economists Say “One of the biggest forecasting hurdles for 2017 was understanding the nature of the inflation soft-patch; many economists misread the signals and expected it to subside quickly, when in reality it was a reflection of weak economic performance from four to six quarters earlier. Those who attributed it to the latter were not surprised to see it endure for several months. In fact, for this very reason Bloomberg Economics expects it to stretch well into the first half of 2018.”– Carl Riccadonna, Bloomberg Economics.

Treasury Yield

In a forecast related to inflation, economists showed a similar miss when predicting the yield on 30-year Treasuries. The median estimate was for 3.34 percent at the end of 2017. It was 2.75 percent late Wednesday afternoon.


Median forecast (Q3 YoY) 2.2% Response range 0.5%-3.6% Fed median forecast (Q4 YoY) 2.1% Q3 YoY 2.3%The latest GDP figures available are for the third quarter, and forecasts were pretty solid with the median falling just a tenth below that actual result. But there’s a caveat here, as long as we assume that no one actually predicted multiple devastating hurricanes. Third-quarter figures include a small negative impact from those storms, but miss the subsequent upsurge from rebuilding in the fourth quarter. That suggests the median probably missed to the downside a shade more than the numbers show.



纽约FTN Financial的首席经济学家克里斯托弗·洛是最善于预测通胀的专家之一(也是最差的失业率预测者之一)。他表示:“我们一定可以从中吸取教训。我们现在要做的是设法弄清通胀率与失业率的联系在哪里出现了问题。”

只有Desjardins Group的弗朗索瓦·迪皮伊和弗朗西斯·吉尼罗提供的预测,与实际的失业率和通胀率差值都在0.3%以内。太棒了。



纽约的Societe General SA的首席美国经济学家史蒂芬·加拉赫表示:“我不认为这种现象只会持续一年。这是一种新的范式。”







我们Bloomberg Economics的经济学家卡尔·里卡唐纳表示:“2017年预测的最大困难之一,在于理解通胀阶段性疲软的本质;许多经济学家误读了信号,认为这种疲软会迅速消退,而实际上它是对过去四至六个季度经济表现低迷的反映。如果把它归因于后者,看到疲软现象持续了几个月,就不会感到惊讶了。实际上,正因为此,Bloomberg Economics预测这种情况将继续持续到2018年上半年。”








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