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    于是,当《财富》杂志高级品牌主管兼总编苏安迪要求我开车前往硅谷,对其他一些伟大品牌表示感谢和祝贺时,我迫不及待地接受了任务。这些品牌都是当地进入《财富》500强(Fortune 500)榜单的公司。我们决定以登门拜访上榜公司领导人的方式来庆祝《财富》500强榜单日。

    于是,我从旧金山出发,驾驶一辆红色福特福星(Fusion)Titanium版混合动力车。这是由福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.,第10位)生产的插电式电动车,车身两侧带有“财富500强榜单日快乐!”的彩色标语装饰。(关于汽车的更多细节将在下文详细介绍)。副驾驶上坐的是《财富》杂志记者科特•瓦格纳,这次担任摄影师和协调人。我们的第一站是与半导体生产设备制造商应用材料公司(Applied Materials,第302位)CEO麦克•斯普林特进行简短会面。斯普林特坦言,目前半导体行业举步维艰。芯片制造商的产能增长速度不足以确保增长,而且太阳能电池板的生产能力也已萎缩殆尽。(太阳能曾在短期内为应用材料公司增加了20亿美元销售额,但如今太阳能对销售额的贡献已经萎缩殆尽。)当然,位于加州圣克拉拉市的应用材料公司并没有放弃,仍然在继续寻找新的市场。目前,它仍然有一半的生产在美国进行,由位于德州奥斯丁的一家工厂完成。这或许也是美国总统奥巴马于周四参观应用材料公司的原因。斯普林特计划说服总统,支持按照贝尔实验室(Bell Labs)等机构曾经采用的方式投入联邦研究经费。


    I heard a wise person say recently that we don't work for companies. We work for brands. That resonated for me. I work for Fortune, one of the great American brands, a name that stands for quality journalism, seriousness of purpose, intellectual curiosity, analytical rigor and all the things that have given Fortune the staying power of decades.

    Schmaltzy? Guilty as charged. It's a joy in this world of insta-brands and perishable content to be associated with a legacy and current team that is bigger than I'll ever be.

    So when Fortune's top brand steward, Managing Editor Andy Serwer, asked me to drive around Silicon Valley to thank and congratulate a handful of other great brands—the local companies in the Fortune 500—I eagerly accepted. We decided to celebrate Fortune 500 Day by personally saying hello to the leaders of the some of the companies on the list.

    I set off from San Francisco in a shiny red Ford (F) Fusion Titanium Hybrid, a plug-in electric variety made by Ford Motor Co. (No. 10), festooned with "Happy Fortune 500 Day" magnets on each side. (More about the car later), with Fortune reporter Kurt Wagner as my wingman, photographer and wrangler. Our first stop was a quick meeting with Mike Splinter, CEO of semiconductor manufacturing equipment maker Applied Materials (AMAT, No. 302). Splinter was blunt that business is tough. Chip makers aren't expanding capacity fast enough to ensure growth and solar-panel capacity is currently dead. (Solar briefly added $2 billion in annual sales to Applied; that has almost all dried up.) Still, Applied, based in Santa Clara, Calif., is hanging in, hunting for new markets, and continues to conduct half its manufacturing in the U.S., from a plant in Austin, Texas. That's likely why President Obama is visiting Applied on Thursday. Splinter plans to encourage the president to support federal research along the lines of the type that used to be done by Bell Labs and its peers.

    Next we went to Sunnyvale to see NetApp (NTAP, No. 408), whose CEO Thomas Georgens explained to me how the enterprise storage business is being affected by the unlikeliest of factors: the consumer technology business. Huge consumer-facing Web companies increasingly are using faster-speed and higher-capacity flash memory, as opposed to traditional tape storage. Flash is more expensive but worth it for applications that serve customers quickly. I heard a similar message from SanDisk (SNDK) CEO Sanjay Mehrotra in Milpitas. That consumer flash memory pioneer now tilts toward business customers, including Apple (AAPL, No. 6), which, in case you were wondering, didn't meet with me Monday.

    然后,我们改变了拜访的行业和地点,沿101号高速公路来到旧金山,见到了大型药品经销商麦克森公司(McKesson,第14位)的CEO约翰•哈默格伦。我曾经认为,奥巴马总统的《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)至少有一点好处:通过为更多的人提供医疗保险,我们就可以减少不必要急诊治疗次数。哈默格伦确认了我的观点。不过,对于该法案,他也有很多详细的、有思想的、负面的批评意见。当然,我今天选择让自己保持积极乐观。【还有一件积极的事:哈默格伦将很快离开惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard,第15位)董事会;对此,他自己似乎并不伤感。】





    Shifting industries and locations, we drove up the 101 freeway to San Francisco to see John Hammergren, CEO of mighty McKesson (MCK, No. 14), the massive drug distributor. Hammergren confirmed my understanding that it's possible to say at least one good thing about the president's Affordable Care Act: By providing more people with health insurance we'll cut down on unnecessary emergency-room visits. He had plenty of detailed, thoughtful, and lamentable criticisms of the act too. I'm choosing to stay positive today. (Here's something else positive: Hammergren is shortly leaving the board of Hewlett-Packard (HPQ, No. 15); he doesn't seem too broken up about that.)

    Our last visit was with Martin Koffel, CEO of construction-engineering firm URS (URS, No. 248), based in San Francisco. This was a revelation: URS is 80% focused on North America, notably the tar sands industry in Canada and the Keystone pipeline in the U.S. Koffel is particularly bullish on the opportunities for infrastructure improvements in the U.S. In fact, he's perhaps the most optimistic CEO of a U.S. company I've spoken to in forever, outside the information-technology industry at least. (I'll have more to report from Koffel soon.)

    As for that Ford Fusion hybrid, I loved it. Ford lent it to me—and a far more manly pickup truck to my boss in New York—to help us promote our big day and also Ford's success as a great American company that is proud of its vehicles. (Note to cynics: If I didn't like the car, I would simply have kept mum about it. My young daughter really liked it, but she stated unequivocally that was due to the car's shininess.) The model I drove, which retails for around $32,000, was quiet, powerful, comfortable, and sports an incredibly easy-to-use dashboard communications system. It synched with my iPhone in about 15 seconds.

    From chip equipment manufacturing to flash storage to health-products distribution to a company that builds things, all in a car made by an American icon that's been around longer than Fortune. Not bad for a day's work.



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