







欢蹦乱跳的旗鱼和冒烟的火山(一) / Leaping Sailfish and Smoking Volcanoes (Part 1)







Leaping Sailfish and Smoking Volcanoes (Part 1)

Back in 2005, I read an article in FORTUNE's then sister magazine, FSB (FORTUNE Small Business), about a newly built fishing lodge on a black sand beach in the small Central American country of Guatemala.

Guatemala, like its neighbor Costa Rica, has world class deep sea sportfishing. Both are among the best places in the world to catch a sailfish, which is one of the most beautiful and magnificent fish in the sea. And both have been pioneers of strict marine conservation practices, including catch-and-release only policies for sailfish and marlin. Tourism, including fishing tourism and eco-tourism, is an extremely important source of revenue; so they wisely have put policies in place aimed at protecting and conserving fish stocks.

After I read the FSB article, I clipped it and filed it among other "wish list" travel destinations I wanted to visit someday. This February I finally had the chance to make the trip, an add-on for a few days following my business meetings in New York.

The destination profiled in FSB was Sailfish Bay Lodge. It sounded good, and after doing some further research online, that's where I decided to stay. The small beachside lodge is less than 2 hours' drive from Guatemala City, on modern paved highways. I'd read good reviews of the fishing, the service, food, accommodations and facilities. It sounded like the perfect break from New York's frigid February weather.

My goal was not only to catch a sailfish, but to catch one on a fly rod for the first time. Fly fishing -- made famous in the film "A River Runs Through It" -- is the most challenging type of sportfishing, in which the odds are very much in the fish's favor. It is a very exciting and challenging form. of fishing, very different in style. from sitting on the shore in one spot for many hours. It requires a fair amount of finesse, hand-eye coordination, knowledge of aquatic biology, and patience. Traditionally, fly fishing was mainly done in fresh water; but in recent decades its popularity for sea fishing has grown dramatically.

在蒙古飞杆钓鳟鱼 / Fly fishing for trout in a river in Mongolia



车开到危地马拉城边,我看到了一望无际的甘蔗田一直延伸到地平线。我们的车驶过一辆正吭哧吭哧地爬坡的长途车,车身的颜色花里胡哨,车顶上捆着大包小裹的行李,车厢里塞满了乘客。车尾用显眼的颜色喷着“Dios es Amor”(神即是爱)。

From New York, I flew to Miami (3 hours 15 minutes' flight). After nearly 3 hours' layover there, I caught another flight which got me into Guatemala City 2 hours 45 minutes' later -- about the flying time between Beijing and Hong Kong. All in all, a long day, arriving too late to make the drive to Sailfish Bay.

The next morning, the lodge's van picked me up from the Westin Hotel for the easy drive. Seeing Guatemala City's traffic for the first time in daylight persuaded me it's a place I probably wouldn't want to drive myself around.

As we reached the edge of Guatemala City and saw extensive fields of sugar cane on the horizon, we passed a very colorful long-distance public bus as it chugged up a hill, with crates and boxes strapped to its roof, and belly full of passengers. On its back was painted "Dios es Amor" in outstanding colors: "God is love."

危地马拉的公交车:花里胡哨 / Guatemala's buses: dazzling colors




我在泳池旁安顿下来,开始读书放松。没过一会儿, 艾瑞克的同事杰西就给我送来一盘薯片,还有用当地自产牛油果制成的蘸酱——真是又可口又健康的下午茶点。在渔舍停留期间,饭菜都很美味,新鲜水果和海味的品种也极其丰富。

Guatemala is more than 50% Catholic, and there are a variety of other Christian faiths which are popular as well. In recent years, tourism has grown very quickly, overtaking sugar cane and coffee as the country's top earner. In 2010, 12 international cruise ships called at Quetzal. This year, around 100 are expected. Following many years of civil war and unrest, Guatemala is emerging as a safe and attractive tourist destination.

I arrived at the Lodge and was met by their very friendly and helpful manager, Eric, who welcomed me with a fresh fruit juice, showed me to my room, and pointed to the swimming pool, beach, and dining areas. "Breakfast is at 6 a.m., and the fishing boats depart the marina at 7," he advised.

In the distance, he pointed to three volcanoes, two of which were visibly active, with plumes of white smoke rising into the clear blue sky.

I settled by the side of the pool to read and relax. Not long after, Eric's colleague, Jesse, brought me a plate of freshly made guacamole with chips for dipping -- a delicious and healthy afternoon snack, made from local avocados. The food during my stay was outstanding, with an especially wide variety of fresh fruit and seafood.

紧邻渔舍的礁湖日落美景 / Sunset on the lagoon next to the lodge



After dinner I turned in early.

(to be continued...)


