香港人新年前夜吃什么? 如果说高档餐厅的预定情况是衡量高端消费者信心的主要指标,那香港的情况看起来不错。 我把香港特区的主要西餐厅,甚至包括米其林星级餐厅都打听了一圈儿,才发现大多数餐厅的新年前夜套餐提前几周就已经预订满了,现在只能排队等候。 这类高档餐厅的新年前夜套餐一般包括六至九道美味珍馐。 港岛香格里拉饭店的珀翠餐厅(Petrus)推出了六道菜的套餐,定价为每位3,988港币,外加10%的服务费。若要确保预定,还要提前十天签署并提交一份信用卡授权表,承诺一旦预定,概不退费。 香港置地文华东方酒店Amber餐厅的套餐价格(6道菜)为每位3,888港币,加收10%的服务费。另可搭配红酒,每位收费2,012港币,另加10%的服务费,每人限饮5杯。 Amber餐厅的预定表上赫然写着:“不鼓励12岁以下小童。”(也不知应该理解为压根儿不该有这样小的孩子,还是指不该带他们到这儿吃饭。) Amber餐厅的年夜饭还包含爵士乐队现场表演。和珀翠一样,他们也要求提前十天通过信用卡授权为预定担保,还谢绝客人在这类节日自带酒水。 香港文华东方酒店Pierre餐厅的新年前夜盛宴从餐前鸡尾酒开始,包括小吃和一杯香槟,每位定价4,388港币,加收10%的服务费。他们对待儿童的态度比较明朗:“欢迎12岁及以上儿童就餐。”餐厅对穿拖鞋、短裤、运动鞋或T恤的客人恕不接待。 米其林三星餐厅L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon的定价是餐台席位每位3,680港币,加收10%的服务费;吧台用餐席位还要更便宜些。 有趣的是,香港的高档西餐厅在定价时似乎都结合了中国的吉祥数字“8”和“6”。 这种营销策略很高明,毕竟这里是香港,是中外节日并重、东西融汇之地。 另外,说起每年总能引发一些口水战的米其林星级评定,现在中国共有5家餐厅荣膺米其林三星餐厅,是米其林评定的最高级别,其中4家在香港,1家在澳门。 |
What's Cooking on New Year's Eve in Hong Kong? If high-end restaurant bookings are a leading indicator of upscale consumer confidence, things are looking rosy in Hong Kong. A quick check with some of the S.A.R.'s leading western restaurants, including Michelin-starred establishments, showed that most were fully booked, with waiting lists, several weeks in advance of New Year's Eve. The standard New Year's Eve menu among these elite restaurants is a 6-9 course gastronomic dinner. At the Island Shangrila's Petrus, the price per person for a 6-course set menu was HK$3,988 plus 10% service charge. To secure a reservation requires submitting a signed credit card authorization form at least ten days in advance, with the applicable condition that no refund is possible once the reservation is confirmed. Over at the Mandarin Oriental Landmark's Amber, the 6-course gastronomic dinner costs HK$3,888 per person, plus 10% service charge. A 5-glass wine pairing option would cost an additional HK$2,012 per person, plus 10% service charge. Amber's booking form states that "Children under 12 are not recommended". (It's open to interpretation whether that refers to having them at all, or just bringing them to dinner here.) Amber's offering includes a live jazz band providing musical accompaniment. Like Petrus, a signed credit card authorization form is required to secure the reservation at least ten days in advance. Also like Petrus, customers are advised that bringing bottles of wine from outside is not permitted on special occasions like this. The Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong's Pierre restaurant offers a New Year's Eve banquet complete with starting cocktails, canapés and a glass of champagne for HK$4,388 per person plus 10% service charge. Their message on children is clearer: "We welcome children age 12 and older." Guests are requested not to wear sandals, shorts, trainers or T-shirts. At Michelin 3-star rated L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon, the per person tariff for dinner is only $3,680 plus 10% service charge, for a seat at a table. A seat at the bar counter offers dinner at a lower price per person. It's interesting how high-end Western restaurants in Hong Kong all seem to incorporate lucky Chinese numbers ("8", "6") in their pricing. That's smart marketing, considering this is Hong Kong, where East celebrates West, and vice versa. Speaking of the annual Michelin ratings, which are not without some controversy, China currently boasts 5 restaurants in the coveted 3-star category, which is the highest grade Michelin gives out. Of these, 4 are in Hong Kong and 1 is in Macau. |